Can We Guess If You're Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Can We Guess If You're Team Jacob or Team Edward?
The battle between Twilight fans didn't end just because the movies finished. So are you Team Jacob or Team Edward?
The battle between Twilight fans didn't end just because the movies finished. So are you Team Jacob or Team Edward?

Which member of the Cullen family do you like the most?
Which season is your favorite?
Which of Bella's friends did you find the least annoying?
How do you feel about love triangles?
What sports are you good at?
If you stop at the diner, what do you get?
Which movie is your least favorite in the series?
Cats or dogs?
What do you look for in a best friend?
Team Edward
Team Edward
Edward was there from the beginning! He might have left, but it was only because he thought he was protecting Bella. Their love was the entire reason for this story. Jacob can't hold a candle to that.
Team Jacob
Team Jacob
Edward left and Jacob stepped up! It's not his fault that Eddy left, but he took care of Bella when she was in her darkest hour. How can you not support a man like that?
Team Switzerland
Team Switzerland
You can't decide who you love! Edward was Bella's first love, he's strong and caring and tender. But Jacob is a protector. He was there for Bella when she truly needed someone. You can't choose, it's just too hard.