Can You Answer 21 Questions Every Harry Potter Fan Should Know?
Can You Answer 21 Questions Every Harry Potter Fan Should Know?
Any true Potterhead should be able to get a perfect score on this quiz. How much do you love Harry Potter?
Any true Potterhead should be able to get a perfect score on this quiz. How much do you love Harry Potter?

Who is Harry's godfather?
What is the last name of the brothers from The Tales of Beedle the Bard?
What fruit must you tickle to gain access to the kitchens inside of Hogwarts?
What does Ron see in the Mirror of Erised?
What does S.P.E.W stand for?
What is Dumbledore's favorite muggle candy?
Which Hogwarts ghost was not included in the films?
What year was the Battle of Hogwarts?
What day were the Weasley twins born?
What are Harry Potter's son's names?
What year was the Chamber of Secrets first opened?
How many points is the Golden Snitch in a Quidditch match?
What is Voldemort's real name?
Where does the Hogwarts Express let students off on the first day of school?
Why can't you magically pull food out of nowhere, according to Hermione?
What is Dumbledore's full name?
Who did Hermione take a hair from for the Polyjuice Potion in Chamber of Secrets, which accidentally turned out to be a cat hair?
What Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans did Dumbledore have an unfortunate encounter with when he was young?
What house was Moaning Mrytle in?
What are the horcruxes that Voldemort knowingly created?
What did the snitch that Dumbledore gave Harry say?
You Are A TRUE Potterhead!
You Are A TRUE Potterhead!
You live, eat, and BREATH everything Harry Potter. Your life was forever changed the day you discovered HP. Since that day, you haven't had a conversation that didn't revolve around Harry Potter in some way. Keep on living your best life, you Potterhead!
You LOVE Harry Potter
You LOVE Harry Potter
Obviously you love HP, why else would you take this quiz?! Your love for Potter might be strong, but it's not as a strong as it could be. Maybe you mixed up some movie moments with film moments? It happens to the best of us!
You Need To Brush Up On Your Potter!
You Need To Brush Up On Your Potter!
You might like Harry Potter, but your not an official Potterhead...yet! Why not watch an ABC Family Harry Potter Weekend next time it's on TV? Maybe pick up a book too while you're at it. There is A LOT to remember, but we all know that HP is worth it!