Can You Answer The 10 Hardest 'American Horror Story' Would You Rather Questions?
Can You Answer The 10 Hardest 'American Horror Story' Would You Rather Questions?
These will be some of the toughest "Would You Rather" questions for American Horror Story fans.
These will be some of the toughest "Would You Rather" questions for American Horror Story fans.

1. Would you rather hear Elsa Mar's accent every day or talk to Myrtle Snow for an hour a day?
1. Would you rather hear Elsa Mar's accent every day or talk to Myrtle Snow for an hour a day?
4. Would you rather be killed by Twisty the clown or The Countess?
4. Would you rather be killed by Twisty the clown or The Countess?
6. Would you rather have Twisty's gruesome facial injury or have Bloody Face make a mask out of your skin?
6. Would you rather have Twisty's gruesome facial injury or have Bloody Face make a mask out of your skin?
2. Would you rather get down and dirty with Jimmy Darling, Tate Langdon, or Kit Walker?
2. Would you rather get down and dirty with Jimmy Darling, Tate Langdon, or Kit Walker?
5. Would you rather be possessed by a demon or held in Briarcliff against your will?
5. Would you rather be possessed by a demon or held in Briarcliff against your will?
7. Would you rather be...
7. Would you rather be...
3. Would you rather...
3. Would you rather...
8. Would you rather be attacked by Thaddeus or have the Hotel Cortez children drink your blood?
8. Would you rather be attacked by Thaddeus or have the Hotel Cortez children drink your blood?
10. Would you rather live with James March or Madame Delphine LaLaurie?
10. Would you rather live with James March or Madame Delphine LaLaurie?
9. Would you rather be immortal or be a ghost?
9. Would you rather be immortal or be a ghost?