Can You Guess The Disney Song Based On The First Verse?
Can You Guess The Disney Song Based On The First Verse?
Disney songs are super catchy. Think you can guess the song just from the first verse?
Disney songs are super catchy. Think you can guess the song just from the first verse?
Created by
On Mar 10, 2016
1 / 9
"Seven AM, the usual morning line-up...
2 / 9
"There you see her...
3 / 9
"I know that your powers of retention...
4 / 9
"Little town It's a quiet village...
5 / 9
" Let's get down to business..."
6 / 9
"You think I'm an ignorant savage...
7 / 9
"The window is open, so's that door...
8 / 9
"Make way...
9 / 9
" I know you...
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