Can You Remember These Details From "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?"

It's been 15 years since Dan, Emma and Rupert starred in their first film installment of the series. (Bloody hell!)
Created by
On Dec 13, 2021
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On the train ride to Hogwarts, Ron Weasley is seen eating which sweet treat first?

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What flavor birthday cake does Hagrid bring Harry?

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"Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know...."

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Harry successfully casts a spell in "The Sorcerer's Stone".

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What does the sign near the snake at the London Zoo say?

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According to McGonagall, Harry is the "youngest Quidditch player in..."

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Upon leaving school, Hagrid gives Harry what gift?

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Gryffindor beats Slytherin by ___ house points!

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During the wizard's chess scene, Hermione is wearing her dress robes.

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When Draco meets Ron and Harry, Ron thinks what is funny?

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What color is Harry's sweater when he encounters Voldemort?

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What are the final words of the film?

Questions left
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021