Could You Be A Hunter On Supernatural?
Could You Be A Hunter On Supernatural?
Think you can make it in the Winchester's family business? Find out now!
Think you can make it in the Winchester's family business? Find out now!

Which creature do you think is the scariest?
What would be your weapon of choice?
Would you be willing to kill every creature that you meet? Even if they've never harmed a human?
Who would be your hunting partner?
What would your hunter theme song be?
What would you eat at the diner?
Do you have a significant other?
You're Practically A Winchester!
You're Practically A Winchester!
Vampires, demons, leviathan -you don't even blink twice! Sam and Dean would be lucky to have you join their team, but you're honesty better off without them. I'm not sure if you've heard, but they're kind of a lot of drama. Congrats hunter!
You're a Fresh Faced Hunter
You're a Fresh Faced Hunter
You're no seasoned hunter, but you're not half bad! You've killed your fair share of demons and even can handle a wendigo when they come your way. The true test - what do you do to kill a vampire?
You Have The Skills - But Can You Handle It?
You Have The Skills - But Can You Handle It?
If you're willing to give up a few things tying you down, you should be able to make it as a hunter. Think about your current life and whether you're cut out to handle the solitary life that hunting leads to. A work perk would be seeing those Winchesters all the time!
Maybe One Day!
Maybe One Day!
You're not quite there yet. But don't give up hope! If you stick to it, you might be able to make it there one day.