Could You Be The 'Scream Queens' Killer?
Could You Be The 'Scream Queens' Killer?
As the Red Devil continues to wreck havoc on the campus of Wallace University, it seems like the ladies of Kappa Kappa Tau are number one on his hit list. Something is definitely fishy about the entire thing. Could you be the Scream Queens killer?
As the Red Devil continues to wreck havoc on the campus of Wallace University, it seems like the ladies of Kappa Kappa Tau are number one on his hit list. Something is definitely fishy about the entire thing. Could you be the Scream Queens killer?

Choose a Chanel quote:
Which Chanel are you most suspicious of?
What would you do if you saw the Red Devil?
Choose a weapon:
Choose a "responsible" adult:
Choose a snack:
Choose a Dickie Dollar Scholar:
Who should be President of Kappa Kappa Tau?
Can you kill someone by burning their face off?
Choose a gift for Chaneloween:
You Definitely Couldn't Be the Killer!
You Definitely Couldn't Be the Killer!
Your name has been cleared, you certainly don't have the time or inclination to run around in a red devil costume murdering people. However, it's probably best that you wisen up since you're obviously a target.
You Know Something!
You Know Something!
You may not actually be the killer, but you definitely know who is. It's probably best that you start talking now, because being an accomplice is just as naughty as being the red devil.
You get a thrill out of terrorizing your peers. You're not bothered by blood and gore because you love using techniques that are rather messy. No matter what others may think of you, you have a plan and you're sticking to it.
You Might Be the Killer.
You Might Be the Killer.
Seriously though, why else would you have a chainsaw hidden under your bed? You like to play both sides way too often and it's beginning to look suspicious.