How Well Do You Really Remember Season One Of "Downton Abbey"?
How Well Do You Really Remember Season One Of "Downton Abbey"?
If you've been with the Crawleys for the long-haul, you know it's been one hell of a British soap opera. Test your knowledge on how well you remember the beginning of the journey.
If you've been with the Crawleys for the long-haul, you know it's been one hell of a British soap opera. Test your knowledge on how well you remember the beginning of the journey.

What is Tom Branson's career in season one?
The Crawleys find out that their cousins, the heirs to the Downton Estate, have died. By what tragic happenstance?
Cora is pregnant. True of false?
A housemaid named Gwen has ambitions to start another career. She is secretly studying to be a....
Charming Turkish diplomat, Pamuk, seduces Lady Mary. What event changes their relationship?
Which of the following is true about Lady Sybil?
Who does Thomas seem to fancy (and write letters to)?
Edith decides to share info about the Pamuk/Mary scandal. True or false?
Before Bates & Anna were winning Cutest Couple Award, what was Bates' initial job at Downton?
Matthew and Mary finally voice their true feelings and get engaged during what major holiday?