Which Fantastic Four Member Are You?

Think you're pretty fantastic? Find out just how much with this quiz!

Created by Hollywood.com
On Aug 6, 2015

What's your favorite season?

Which superpower would you want to have?

What is your best trait?

What is your biggest weakness?

After you've had a really bad day, what do you like to do?

What is your biggest fear?

Which cause are you most invested in?

If you could switch places with any superhero, who would it be?

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Johnny Storm/The Human Torch

Johnny Storm/The Human Torch

You’ve often been called a hot head. You take life by the horns and try to live it to the fullest. We don’t blame you for not letting people push you around, but maybe every once in a while, let someone else lead and try to take it easy.

Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman

Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman

People might think you’re a pushover, but they’re quickly proven wrong. You have a no-nonsense attitude, but you’re also very compassionate. When you’re determined to do something, you will always find a way to do it.

Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic

Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic

Over the course of your life you’ve been called crazy or other less-than-friendly names. You consider yourself a very dedicated person, but some people might call it obsessed. Obsession isn’t always a bad thing, but just be careful to not let it get in the way of living your life.

Ben Grimm/The Thing

Ben Grimm/The Thing

Everyone thinks you're the "tough guy" and while that might be true, you have a big heart. You've got a soft spot that your friends can manipulate, for good causes. Let them do that, but make sure you also teach your friends how to be tough and sweet.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021