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Which Supernatural Guy Is The Male Version Of You?

Which one of the Supernatural guys do you think is the male version of you? We can tell you!

Created by Hollywood.com
On Apr 17, 2016

Pick a weapon:uesuesti.

Which creature do you think is the least threatening?

When you get a phone call, what do you do?

Which angel would you kill right on the spot?

Pick a quote/phrase:

Which character would you bring back?

If you could be anything else, which profession would you choose?

Pick a burger:

Pick a favorite Sam hairstyle:

You Got Sam Winchester!

You Got Sam Winchester!

You're a bit of a tortured soul. You do your best to always consider other people's feelings, which has left yours on the back burner plenty of times. You're a big fan of talking about you feelings, which can irritate your family and friends, but in the end they always turn to you for comfort.

You got Dean Winchester!

You got Dean Winchester!

You don't really ~do~ feelings. You love the people you love and they know how much you care about them, but you don't like to talk about it. You'd much rather just live your life, keep things moving, and tackle every problem that comes your way head on.

You got Castiel!

You got Castiel!

You are the practical friend in your group. Sometimes you don't get your friends jokes or references, but when you do, you're always proud of yourself. Even though you're sometimes out of the loop, your friends know they can always call you for help.

You got Crowley!

You got Crowley!

Sass is your middle name. If someone has something to say to you, you've already got 3 witty comebacks prepared. You like to be the one in charge, but it's not uncommon for you to play nice with others...as long as you get your way in the end.

You got Bobby

You got Bobby

You are like the mom/dad of your group. Pretty much everyone comes to you when they have a question, big or small. You pretend like it annoys you, but you secretly love that everyone trusts you so much.

You got Lucifer!

You got Lucifer!

You have a bit of a mischievous streak. You personally think you're misunderstood, because you know that you mean well (at least, well for you), but not everyone agrees with you. Too bad, that's they're loss because you're great.

You got Kevin Tran!

You got Kevin Tran!

You're like really smart, but that doesn't mean that some times you literally have no idea what is going on. You're the innocent one out of your friends and you just try to get by without getting hurt, but it happens anyway. Your friends really do value you though.

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