Horse & Hound's dressage quiz of the year
Horse & Hound's dressage quiz of the year
Test your knowledge of the year's ups and downs with our dressagetastic quiz
Test your knowledge of the year's ups and downs with our dressagetastic quiz
Which dressage rider won a class at Olympia for the first time in 2015?
Name the former British team horse who was sold during 2015?
What colour medal did the British dressage team win at the pony European Championships?
Which top horse got their very own Breyer model this year?
What are the section names under the new British Dressage competition structure?
Which was the only horse to score a 10 in the Olympia grand prix freestyle?
Which rider was eliminated for blood in the horse's mouth at the Europeans at Aachen?
Which famous face tried their hand at dressage at Cheltenham riding Barolo?
Which two legendary dressage stallions died within 24 hours of each other during 2015?
Name the only horse to have beaten Woodlander Farouche in competition this year?
Which horse became the new 2015 national champion at Stoneleigh?
Which date did the new British Dressage competition structure come into force?
Which rider withdrew just before the freestyle at the European Championships in Aachen?
Should Carl Hester be made a Sir after his 2015 achievements?