Which Classic Movie Trailer is Actually About Your Life?
Which Classic Movie Trailer is Actually About Your Life?
You're so famous they made a movie about you! Let's go to the movies and find out which one is actually all about you!
You're so famous they made a movie about you! Let's go to the movies and find out which one is actually all about you!

Bonnie & Clyde
Pan's Labyrinth
Doctor Zhivago
Beauty and the Beast (animated)
Ghostbusters (original)
Almost Famous
Gone With The Wind
Sunset Blvd.
Breakfast at Tiffany's
You're Scarlett O'Hara
You're Scarlett O'Hara
Frankly my dear, you don't need anyone! They may be Gone With The Wind but All you need is Tara! It's all about you!
You're Norma Desmond
You're Norma Desmond
You may be faded star, but still ready for your close-up Norma Desmond! It's all about you!
You're Holly Golightly
You're Holly Golightly
Nobody puts you in a cage! Holly Golightly it's all about you!
You're Cleopatara
You're Cleopatara
You are the world Cleopatra! It's all about you!