What Comic Book Should You Read?
What Comic Book Should You Read?
Long thought to be childish or detrimental to human development, comic books have arrived as an art form and as a major moneymaker (just ask the folks at Marvel). Based on your personality, which comic book should you pick up?
Long thought to be childish or detrimental to human development, comic books have arrived as an art form and as a major moneymaker (just ask the folks at Marvel). Based on your personality, which comic book should you pick up?
Choose your superpower:
Would you use your super powers for good or evil?
Would you rather live in a world with superheroes or a world without super villains?
If you had cosmic travel abilities like Silver Surfer, where would you go?
With great power, comes great ___.
Who is your hero?
What would you consider the proper term for a collection of sequential art?
What is your personal kryptonite?
What's your favorite comic book movie?
Spider Man
Spider Man
Have you read your favorite local web-crawler lately? Sure, the movies are a blast, but you should check out the nearly sixty years of history and back story waiting for you in "Spider Man."
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
The original Amazonian woman of wonder, Diana Prince beckons you to fight against the forces of evil. Will you answer her call? Power bracelets are not required, but might be helpful.
The Watchmen
The Watchmen
Maybe you've seen the movie, maybe not. Either way, you owe it to yourself to read Alan Moore's answer to do-gooder superhero comics. Treat yourself to some gritty graphic novel realism today.
Expansive, expressive, and exceptional, this Neil Gaiman-founded Vertigo epic calls to you. You'll appreciate the trials and tribulations of Morpheus and his inter-dimensional siblings as they delve into many different worlds.
Fun Home
Fun Home
As a type who likes to read outside the box, Alison Bechdel's moving book about her father's closeted life is the perfect intellectually stimulating read for you.
Are you a fan of "Once Upon A Time?" If so, "Fables" is a great read for you. If not, you'll still appreciate the adult take on fairy tales merging with "real" life...