Could You Get Into Oxford University?
Could You Get Into Oxford University?
Take the quiz, which uses sample questions from Oxford interviewers.
Take the quiz, which uses sample questions from Oxford interviewers.
Place a 30cm ruler on top of one finger from each hand. What happens when you bring your fingers together?
Can archaeology 'prove' or 'disprove' the Bible?
Imagine that 100 people all put £1 into a pot for a prize that will go to the winner of a simple game. Each person has to choose a number between 0 and 100. The prize goes to the person whose number is closest to 2/3 of the average of all of the numbers chosen. What number will you choose, and why?
Why is sugar in your urine a good indicator that you might have diabetes?
Do bankers deserve the pay they receive? And should government do something to limit how much they get?
Why is income per head between 50 and 100 times larger in the United States than in countries such as Burundi and Malawi?