What Aeon Character Are You?

Icerift Fyera
Created by Icerift Fyera (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 24, 2019
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Pick a color.

Pick a season.

What does your room look like?

What time of day is most productive for you?

What personality traits describe you the best?

Pick a biome.

Are you introverted or extroverted?

Do you think with your heart or with your head?

What attribute in a person is most attractive to you?

What is your best character trait?

What is your worst character trait?

Pick an element.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

What food sounds best to you?

You win the lottery.
What do you do?

What is your ideal pet?

What is your favorite music genre?

What is your idea of a perfect date?

How would you prefer to celebrate your birthday?

What would be the perfect gift for you?

Your friends would say that you are...

What do you prefer?
A movie, a book, or a play?

You would describe yourself as trustworthy.

You would describe yourself as being responsible.

You make friends easily.

You have a vivid imagination.

You trust others.

You like to follow the rules.

You seek adventure.

You experience other people's emotions.



You got Nabu!

You are stubborn, hot-headed, and a little bit impulsive.
Due to past events or trauma, it takes a lot to make you trust someone and even then you will have your misgivings, which leads to your being a bit of a loner.
You have a strong disdain for authority and tend tend to hold grudges and be outright spiteful to anyone you feel who has wronged you in the past.
However, the few you do trust will see your undying loyalty and your more playful side.



You got Meian!
You are soft-spoken, and a little bit shy.
You enjoy playing and joking around with anyone and tend to be able to make friends rather easily.
You hate conflict and wish to see everyone get along, but this can be both a blessing and a curse because even though it helps to calms tensions between other people, it can also lead to you being taken advantage of.



You got Rajhu!
You're a little bit of the quiet type, but this is isn't because you're shy. Other people tend to respect and look up to you for help and support.
However, you can get a little aggressive under stress, which can cause you to yell or make the situations worse.
Despite this, you have a good heart and still have everyone's best interests in mind.



You got Qataq!
You are a calming presence who is often described by others as sweet and caring.
You are more of a pacifist by nature and prefer to stay out of conflict, but are not shy or afraid to speak your mind and stand up for yourself or others when the need arises.



You got Athyir!
You are quick-witted, somewhat sarcastic, and often come across as quite arrogant.
You take pride in your intelligence and tend to behave in ways to make yourself look better in front of people. You have a habit of taking control of situations and strive to be the one to "fix" problems that other people may have, even when you may not be the best person for the job.
Because these traits seem to be rather contradictory, other people are not always sure what to make of you or your motives.
You come across as extremely confident in yourself, but most of that is a mask hiding inner self-doubt. This leads to trust problems and very people have met the true you under the mask.



You got Ashia!
You are generally calm, caring, and have a good sense of justice.
However, you also tend to have a proud and stubborn side and often think that your thoughts and opinions are the correct ones.
You also have a bad habit of bottling up bad emotions and shame related to past mistakes and trying to hide from them rather than face what might have happened.



You got Nuraiah!
You can be quick-tempered and often harsh. You have little patience for nonsense or anything you see as "frivolous" activity and wish people would pay more attention to things that matter in the long run.
You hold very fast to your beliefs and there is next to nothing that can change them.
Honor and integrity matter more to you than fame or status and you will stand up for what you believe is right even when everyone else is telling you you're wrong.
You are your own person and don't try to live up to anyone else's standards.



You got Jhayli!
While usually calm and easy-going, you don't like it when sudden changes are thrown your way.
You have many ambitions for how you want your life to go and can get aggressive when something happens to change your path.



You got Sarken!
You are polite and care a lot about honor and integrity.
You tend to have an open mind and will not judge others based on a crowd or a rumor without first looking into a situation yourself.
You are friendly and enjoy social situations with other people.



You got Zjhiben!
You're a bit quirky and like to crack jokes to make people laugh. However you can also be rather impulsive and lacking in common sense which leads you to getting into unforeseen trouble.
However, you have an uncanny ability to get yourself back out of those situations whenever they arise.

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