Could you be a dancer??????
Could you be a dancer??????
Have you ever thought about being a dancer, well if so here is your answer.
Have you ever thought about being a dancer, well if so here is your answer.
Created by Emma (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 29, 2016
Do you mind having disgusting feet??
How would this costume make you feel??
Do you enjoy taking a lot of time out of our life just for one thing??
Do you take criticism too seriously??
Are you able to change really fast??
Are you ok with changing in front of other people??
Are you able to perform on stage??
Do you think dance is a sport??
Go for it, you have the perfect attitude to be a dancer!!
Ummm you should go with something different you don't quite have the attitude for this.
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