Can You Pass Political Science 101?
Can You Pass Political Science 101?
Find your political center!
Find your political center!
Which ideology's rhetoric was behind the French Revolution?
Which event birthed our modern political ideas of Left and Right?
Which of these political scientists helped champion and establish classical conservatism?
What is Political Realism?
What does Geopolitics mean?
Define Marxism:
What is a Direct Democracy?
How Would You Define Oligarchy?
Which of these states would not be described as totalitarian?
How is a republic different than a democracy?
Which of these states was an absolute monarchy?
How is modern liberalism different than classical liberalism?
Define Socialism:
Define Aristocracy:
You Will Definitely Pass!
You Will Definitely Pass!
You Will Definitely Pass Political Science 101! According to your answers, you are well on your way to becoming the most influential of political scientists. The knowledge you just demonstrated will easily make you stand out in this class. With such natural interest in talent in this field, you are sure to be a political force to be reckoned with. If you should ever run for office, you will have a wealth of information at your disposal thanks in part to this course!
You Will Pass!
You Will Pass!
You Will Pass Political Science 101! According to our team of experts, you have all the necessary knowledge you need to pass this course. What you learn in this course will be guiding force for you through your decisions as an educated citizen of your country of residence. You know how to look for corruption and the myriad of forms it can take. Above all you will be able to see the most dangerous forces which extremism can take coming miles away!
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass!
You Just Might Pass Political Science 101! According to your answers, you are very close to grasping much of the knowledge necessary to pass this course! The importance of having an understanding of world politics and government structures could not be overstated. Historical and political parallels repeat over time, knowing the patterns can help you not only navigate your own position, but to choose which countries align most with such positions!
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass!
You Actually Won't Pass Political Science 101! According to our team of experts, you just have not absorbed the necessary material to facilitate a passing grade in this course. The importance of holding some degree of political knowledge could not be of higher importance, especially in these times. Recognizing radicalism in the forms that it can take is a tricky business, but it is your duty to see it. How else can you understand the politics of your own country?