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Which Original Starter Pokemon Should You ACTUALLY Choose Based On Your Personality?

Catch 'em all? Try just one!

Created by iLLUViTiZZLE (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 22, 2016



You Should Actually Choose A Bulbasaur! According to your answers, this is the original starter Pokemon you should pick. Like the Bulbasaur, you have a solid moral code that you live by. Your sense of honor and sense of integrity is exactly what attracts the Bulbasaur to you, and you to it. Above all, you are loyal to your friends, your pokemon, and yourself. You can be stubborn to a fault, especially once you've made up your mind. This tenacity can also prove itself very useful. There is no other trait that would make you a naturally gifted Bulbasaur trainer!



You Should Actually Choose A Squirtle! According to our team of experts, this is the original starter Pokemon you are meant to have! There was never a better match made than you and your Squirtle. There's nothing you love more than a good practical joke. Like your Squirtle, you love to play tricks, laugh, and play. While being a jokester is not always appreciated, you can be sure your Squirtle does. When it comes down to it, you don't actually mean any harm, and will do anything you can to help someone out if they are in real danger. In this way, you and your Squirtle are a true team and will do your best every time to win!



You Should Actually Choose Charmander! According to our team of experts, this is the original starter Pokemon are meant to have. You and Charmander are two peas in a pod: you both are incredibly stubborn, but you are stubborn for the best reasons. When you find a good challenge, you almost can't even help yourself, you simply must battle with them. Thankfully, your Charmander is of a similar mind, eager to prove itself in battle and to earn itself and its trainer the reputation as the very best. You both have a fire burning within you that makes you want to try your very hardest!

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