Which High School Clique Do You Belong In?
Which High School Clique Do You Belong In?
There are dozens of stereotypes created by high school movies, mainly based around cliques. There's the nerds, the popular mean girls, the jocks, the goths, the geeks...but which one do you fit into?
There are dozens of stereotypes created by high school movies, mainly based around cliques. There's the nerds, the popular mean girls, the jocks, the goths, the geeks...but which one do you fit into?

Which word best describes you?
Pick the answer that best describes your social situation.
What do you do when you first meet new people?
What are you like at a party?
What's your style?
Which of these Mean Girls characters do you relate to most?
Your weekend plans?
Finally, what do you never leave the house without?
Popular Girl
Popular Girl
Congratulations, you're the queen bee, or at least one of her minions! Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect smile. You've probably got a boyfriend, a huge group of friends and a very cool Instagram account. You're hot and fashionable. Who needs to get an A on the maths test? You've got status.
You're 'the sporty one'; the one whose Dad pressures into getting a football or basketball scholarship - that's you. You're always out on the oval, always in PE gear and you're super fit. The girls all love you.
Nerds are classified as overly studious or boring people. As a nerd, you'll be with those people who say "Oh no, I only got an A! I wanted an A+" and those people who just make you cringe. But oh well, this is a truthful clique, with less drama than most others. You'll be fine.
Geeks and nerds are cousins, however google says that geeks are people who lack social sense and nerds are overly studious and boring people. As a geek, you'll be playing computer games, wearing huge glasses and dressing extremely awkwardly. Have fun, amigo.
When most people hear the word goth, they just think black clothes and dark music. Your goth clique will be filled with these two things. You'll wear lots of make-up and possibly talk about the process you'll go through to become a vampire.
The definition of a punk is a worthless person. Don't worry, that's not you. Your punk clique will be rocking out to your favourite...uh...punk music! You'll dress fantastically and have a great time during high school. Forget the haters, be a rebel and YOLO.
Definitely a good choice. Spend your time in bed, watching Netflix, eating food and sleeping. It sounds like an ideal life. You may not have too many friends, but you're living a much more enjoyable life, in my opinion.