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Which Harry Potter Creature Is Your Spirit Animal?
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Which Harry Potter Creature Is Your Spirit Animal?

The mythical creatures from the magical world of Harry Potter are some of the most fascinating ones to ever exist. So, which one of them would guide you through the journey called life?

Inna Eizenberg
Created by Inna Eizenberg
On Oct 1, 2019
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Cornish Pixie

Cornish Pixie

You're both known as troublemakers and are constantly full of energy. Your antics get you in trouble at times and sometimes you have too much energy for others, but both you and your spirit animal are graceful, travel in very loyal packs fast-paced and loving it!



You are a prideful person and very independent, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy kicking back when the time is right! You have a fierce loyalty towards others, as well as the instinct to protect them from harm. No matter what, through thick and thin, you'll be there and so will your friends, watching each other's backs.



You're both fierce, strong, and powerful beings. Neither of you lets anything get in your way and you're definitely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to something you're passionate about!



You are both honest, kind and true creatures. Phoenixes may not look the most intimidating, but they possess power beyond measure. They are some of the most loyal creatures in the magical world and they'll be by your side until the very end.



Often misunderstood, both you and the Thestral get misjudged immediately even though there's more to you than meets the eye. You may come off strong to people at first, but your gentle nature tends to win people over.



Everyone knows that dementors aren’t the friendliest creatures, but if they’re on your side, you have nothing to worry about! As your spirit animal, the dementor will point you in the direction of the negative people you need to guard yourself against and stay away from.

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