What Type Of Friend Are You Quiz

instaxo AOHA
Created by instaxo AOHA (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 30, 2018
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Someone you dont really like asks you their opinion about them, what do you say?

How do people describe you?

What do you like to do on your free-time?

If you could binge watch ANY (and I mean any) show of your choice, what show would you choose?

What is your dream vaction?

How would do describe your friends?

How do you end off a horrible day?

Last but not least, Your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to take you out on a date, but you promised your friends you would have a girls/boys day. What do you do?

Your an supportive, amazing friend. People enjoy hanging out with you and spending time with you. You know how to make anyone smile even on their worst day.

Your an supportive, amazing friend. People enjoy hanging out with you and spending time with you. You know how to make anyone smile even on their worst day.

Your the laid back friend that is calm yet is very careful and cares about each one of their friends. You will never let anyone down and you are very reliable.

Your the laid back friend that is calm yet is very careful and cares about each one of their friends. You will never let anyone down and you are very reliable.

You are an amazing friend. You put your friends before yourself and can keep any secret and your friends think you are the best in the group.

You are an amazing friend. You put your friends before yourself and can keep any secret and your friends think you are the best in the group.

Your weird, funny, outgoing and you keep everyone laughing and smiling. Your the class clown that everyone loves.

Your weird, funny, outgoing and you keep everyone laughing and smiling. Your the class clown that everyone loves.

No offense, but you like being alone and you prefer being home with a good book or being home being on your phone/computer most of the time.

No offense, but you like being alone and you prefer being home with a good book or being home being on your phone/computer most of the time.

Your a friend that takes time to get close to, but once someone is close with you. They have your trust and you can trust them as well and you make a great friend.

Your a friend that takes time to get close to, but once someone is close with you. They have your trust and you can trust them as well and you make a great friend.

What type of friend are you?

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