Can You Pass An Eighth Grade Arithmetic Test From 1908?
Can You Pass An Eighth Grade Arithmetic Test From 1908?
The following examination was given to Minnesota 8th grade students in May of 1908. The exam was prepared by the State High School Board and is described as the "principal examination for admission to the state high schools of Minnesota." After taking the quiz, do you think you would have been admitted to high school in 1908?
The following examination was given to Minnesota 8th grade students in May of 1908. The exam was prepared by the State High School Board and is described as the "principal examination for admission to the state high schools of Minnesota." After taking the quiz, do you think you would have been admitted to high school in 1908?
If 6 men can plow 72 acres of land in 6 days, how long will it require 4 men to plow 176 acres?
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If a 2-inch pipe will fill a tank in 6 hours, how long will it require for a 3-inch pipe to fill it?
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