What Space Marine are you?
What Space Marine are you?
Are you a loyal team player like a Stormtrooper or a Gear of the COG? Or are you the lone wolf Spartan-II who is made to kill? Find out here and now!
Are you a loyal team player like a Stormtrooper or a Gear of the COG? Or are you the lone wolf Spartan-II who is made to kill? Find out here and now!

First; do you prefer to be part of a team, or do you prefer to work alone?
What is your favorite kind of ammunition?
Do you prefer to use your own weapons? Or do you scavenge weapons from your enemies?
Well, then, what kinds of weapons do you like?
Okay.... some people like close combat... so..... what do you like to have on hand when the enemy is in your face?
Okay, do you like diving headfirst into a fight?
Now, moving on from combat; what do you fight for?
Who inspires and leads you in battle?
Do you fight for a union of many? Or a powerful empire?
How is your relationship with your past commanding officer(s)?
Favorite color?
Do you take the initiative? Or do you wait for people to suggest/tell you what to do?
Do you prefer to be heavily armored? or light on your feet?
What is the best way to enter a mission?
When you get the chance to rest, what do you do?
When you retire, what do you plan to do?
You are a Spartan-II, the bio-engineered super soldier of legend! You prefer to be alone and work better that way. You are adaptive, able to use the weapons of your people and that of your enemies. Your heavy armor and massive strength ensures that when you charge into a room, only you come back out.
Spartan-III/ Spartan-IV
Spartan-III/ Spartan-IV
You are a Spartan! (Generation III or IV) You work best in a small fire team of your brothers and sisters in arms. You can overcome any obstacle together and will use whatever you need to to do so. Your undying loyalty to each other and the mission makes you legends.
You are Doomguy, the original demon-stomping bad-@$$ of first-person shooters! Your rage and aggression makes big, messy weapons your favorite tools of destruction, and you are a firm believer that your enemies are best left in bloody piles or incinerated in your wake.
You are an ODST, an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, unlike the others on this list, you are specifically trained to make kills quietly and quickly with weapons designed specifically for you and your comrades in arms. In your small, specially equipped teams, you can overcome almost any threat to the UNSC, even replacing the legendary Spartans after Reach.
N7 Marine
N7 Marine
You are a member of the N7 Program, the best of the best soldiers that the Systems Alliance has to offer. You train under the same regimens as the great Commander Shepard, and your own deeds and that of your company are revered by other soldiers across the galaxy.
You are a Stormtrooper! One in a million you may be, but it is a million who will fight and die together every day of their lives. Your past may be dark and clouded, but you stand with undying loyalty to your commanders and your brethren.
You are a Gear! Your small teams of muscle-bound men and women can destroy any locust threat. You may not always agree with your commanders, but you will do anything to protect your people. You prefer heavy weapons and staying quietly is certainly not your style!