Which Japanese Dish Reflects Your Soul?
Which Japanese Dish Reflects Your Soul?
This is soul searching - the Japanese food edition - 6 questions to find out which Japanese dish feeds your soul!
This is soul searching - the Japanese food edition - 6 questions to find out which Japanese dish feeds your soul!

Which of these destinations do you desire to travel to most?
Which food gif makes you the hungriest?
What season is your favorite?
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Mitarashi Dango
Mitarashi Dango
Dango are dumplings made from a sweetened rice powder called Mochiko (similar in texture and construction to the sweet sticky rice, mochi). Dango is a dish that is served year round though special variants exist for certain occasions. For example, the most popularized version of dango is the Hanami variant which is served in the springtime to accompany the blooming of the cherry blossoms. It is pink, green, and white in coloring and is often presented in media as the typical dango as it is well recognized.
Mitarashi dango individuals are categorized by their guarded natures. They hide behind a mask of indifference and aloofness but in reality they are tender souls. Their past experiences natures have forced them to don armor to fight the battles that they were unjustly drafted into. They have been mistreated due to their unwavering kindness and loyalty to those underserving and thus they have adopted a colder, unwelcoming exterior to those they first meet. Underneath this armor, however, is a compassionate soul that is yearning to connect with those around them. This soul is no longer willing to be compromised by the cruelty of others, and thus the armor was donned.
Okonomiyaki is a sort of Japanese savory pancake/pizza/omelette dervirved from the words 'Okonomi' which roughly translates to 'what you like' and the word 'yaki' mean grilled or cooked. It is made with a plethora of different of ingredients which vary depending on which region it is being served in (Okonomiyaki is primarily served in the Kansai and Hiroshima areas of Japan). An example of the ingredients that one would use to make okonomiyaki are: eggs, cabbage, squid, thin pork belly, octopus, green onions, and batter.
Your soul is an okonomiyaki of wonders, it is an agglomeration of desires, follies, and revelations. You have been molded by all of your various experiences, your highs and yours lows have created you to be uniquely you. Okonomiyaki souls have taken the lows and value them just as much as their highs, they recognize that greatness stems from adversity and welcome challenges with open hearts and minds. It is what allows you to succeed even well all odds are against you, you are unafraid. Unafraid of the difficulties of life, unafraid of the pressures to conform- your soul is brave, and that is what sets you apart in the sea of humanity. You rise and overcome the challenges presented, and are unapologetic for who you are and what you hope to accomplish.
Oyakodon literally translates into "Parent and child" donburi (donburi being a rice based dish). The translation of "Parent and child" refers to the fact that this dish is served with both fried chicken cutlet as well as egg, therefore it is served with both the parent (chicken) and the child (egg). Donburi is a versatile dish with many popular variants besides Oyakodon.
Oyakodon souls are steeped with the experiences of all those that have lived before them. They are people who seek understanding, and look to the past for the answers of the future. They relate deeply to art in all its forms, from the visual to the written. Art for Oyakodon souls is the truest form of self expression, it allows someone to explore their past as well as their future, and it allows them to seek the understanding they so greatly desire. An encounter with an Oyakodon is an inspiring one, they reflect the honesty that everyone wishes they could achieve. They are true to themselves in a way that is almost unknown to all those who aren't Oyakodon souls.
The word soba comes from the Japanese name for buckwheat, as such, soba is a thin noodle made from buckwheat and can be served either hot or cold. However, primarily, soba is served as a dish to be eaten in the warm weather and so is typically served cold. It is polite to slurp noodles in Japan as it demonstrates your enjoyment of the meal. Another fun fact is that soba is traditionally eaten on New Year's Eve in most areas of Japan and this tradition continues to exist today.
A Soba soul is one that seeks enjoyment in the enjoyment of others. As the buckwheat flour that is used to make soba is particularly nutritious and an easily prepared dish, this is a meal eaten by all members of society, from the youngest child to the wisest adult. It is a dish that has seen Japan through both the good times and the bad. Your soul is an empathetic one, it allows you to see into the hearts of others and to understand many consider to be impossible to understand. You see the good in those that many overlook and you are able to gauge the ill nature in those who are mistakenly trusted. Above all, you aim to enrich the lives of those around you. You aim to learn and to grow from both their and your own experiences, to live fully and completely. When people think of you, they think of: loyalty, insight, and benevolence.
Shabu Shabu
Shabu Shabu
The name Shabu Shabu is an onomatopoeia derived from the sound produced by the stirring of ingredients. Shabu Shabu is a style of cooking similar to sukiyaki where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are cooked in a pot. The meat and vegetables are submerged into the broth and cooked and then removed to be dipped and consumed by the diner. Traditionally it is served with beef as the meat but there are many variants available.
A shabu shabu soul is notably warmer than the souls of others. This warmth radiates off of these individuals and all those present around them are comforted by this warmth. Shabu shabu souls often have the deepest friendships with others, they are known for their ability to connect with almost anyone, even though distinctly different from themselves. It is a characteristic that others vie and admire you for. People find themselves at ease around you and are comfortable being their true selfs, your soul allows others to embrace their own.