Which Cute Word Best Represents Your Adorable Side?
Which Cute Word Best Represents Your Adorable Side?
Cuteness is as cuteness does!
Cuteness is as cuteness does!

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The word snack is cute because it can be applied to almost anything. A snack could be a pudding cup or even an entire cake. Eating an entire cake isn't as terrifying if you refer to it as a snack! Therefore, your adorable side is very much food based. You are a constant muncher of snacks, and everyone identifies you as their "food friend". They all know that you are always up for a lunch date, or a middle of the night milkshake run. The happiness that food brings you makes everyone around you happy. They can't help but utter an "Awwww" as you freak out over free cupcakes.
Pipsqueak is undoubtedly an adorable word. It is sweet and innocent, and makes one imagine a tiny mouse who speaks in gentle squeaks. Your adorable side is shown through your immense love of animals. Practically every living thing in existence is considered by you to be cute. It is a trait that others love in you. You are easily amused, and easily made happy by seeing a furry creature. Your ideal day would be spent in a zoo or visiting an animal shelter, you would have a difficult time leaving, of course, as you would want to adopt every animal you saw.
Velveteen is a cute word because of the memories associated with it. The Velveteen Rabbit is a famous children's book about a small stuffed rabbit's quest to become real with the help of the love and adoration from his owner. Your adorable side is steeped in the nostalgic. You revel in the memories of your childhood and hold various characters and toys close to your heart. Ideally you would live in a old toy store, and surround yourself with items and memories of a time wherein you believed in magic. (Maybe it's time to start believing again?)
Cahoots is a cute word because it conjures an image of two close friends getting up to childish hijinks and shenanigans: playing pranks on others, going on adventures, and being undoubtedly each other's best friend. Your cute side is heavily influenced by your relationship with others, primarily your relationship with your best friend. You are sentimental towards your friendship (though you might not always show it), and the time that you spend together makes you feel warm in the heart. When others see you together they can't help but elicit a verbal "Awww" and to feel a pang of jealously in their hearts.
The word clementine is cute because it belongs to such a tiny fruit. Clementine's are small, brightly colored, and sweetly flavored. They are an unconventional item to deem "cute" as normally that word is reserved for small animals or children. However, that is the nature of your adorable side. You see the cuteness in things that others overlook. Anything for you can be considered cute - a light fixture, or an old mitten - anything has the ability to be the Cute! This trait speaks to your whimsical nature: you view the world in rose color glasses, and everything has the potential to be a happy thing in your eyes.
Puddles are pools of rainwater that are especially excellent for jumping and splashing. They also provide tiny ponds for duckling to practice swimming! So of course, puddles is a cute word. Anything that reminds you of your childhood is a cute thing. You love reminiscing on your younger years, and you aren't ashamed to relive them. Your young heart makes others smile and they can't help but feel like a child again in your presence, and it is truly a wonderful thing.