We'll Tell You How Drunk You Are Based On Your Hub Order!
We'll Tell You How Drunk You Are Based On Your Hub Order!
It's a Thursday night, and you find yourself in the hub, looking for a nice spot of food and drink. What do you order, and what does it say about your current state of drunkenness?
It's a Thursday night, and you find yourself in the hub, looking for a nice spot of food and drink. What do you order, and what does it say about your current state of drunkenness?

Pick a meal replacement item!
Pick a snack
Select something sweet
Pick a drink to top it all off
Pick something for a dollar or less
Anything Else?
Now you’re waiting in the hub and you lost your number but you see curly fries, what do you do?
Drop Dead Sober -BAC 0.01 or less
Drop Dead Sober -BAC 0.01 or less
You’re doing it wrong! Only that one sip of beer to look cool in front of the person you’re crushin’ on? Healthy options at the hub on a Thursday night? You probably scheduled your Friday 8AM to have an excuse to not Par-Tay. Still tho, some props for not conforming to the drinking culture. You do you, ya nerd!
Tipsy-BAC .08
Tipsy-BAC .08
You’ve had some “issues” in the past, so you limited yourself to a 3 drink limit. Luckily, this time, you followed your own rule! Imagine that. Staying at the legal driving limit.
Also, hello, Pitzer freshman ordering all the vegan options!
Drunkerino-BAC .15
Drunkerino-BAC .15
You’re obviously still walking a little funny, and can’t really make coherent conversation when the cashier asks you how you’ll pay. You’re friends put you all over Snapchat as you take a few falls and a few general Ls. Let’s hope you’ve learned your lesson!
"Where is TNC??!?!??!!!!"
Tomorrow you’re going to brag to your friends about how you “blacked out, man, like whoa it sucked but let’s do it again this Saturday.” Yeah, you’re one of those. Ouch.