Which Fictional Character Is Your Hangry Personality?
Which Fictional Character Is Your Hangry Personality?
You're not you when you're hungry. So who are you?
You're not you when you're hungry. So who are you?

Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson
When you want food, it's a necessity. And heaven help the person who denies you the majesty of a full stomach. You may turn sullen and standoffish or loud and angry. There's no telling. Pity the fool who has the audacity to suggest a "healthy" snack. If it isn't red meat or breakfast food, you may honestly chuck them through a window.
Liz Lemon
Liz Lemon
Food isn't just a way to fill your stomach. It's a lifestyle. Your life revolves around food so it would be one foolish person to suggest that four letter word (diet) to you. Thankfully you don't necessarily get angry and vicious but you will lash out, quite possibly with some perfectly timed sarcastic barb or another. You probably have a habit of stress eating which means if you're hangry at work...someone better throw you a granola bar, pronto.
Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani
Let's be real. You're probably always up for eating something. It's not in you to turn down a meal. Like that idea is unfathomable to you. You may become a bit petulant when denied food but the good news is that you are rarely NOT within arms reach of a meal or a snack. Your friends look out for you and try to help provide food whenever possible since they know that it is 100% a necessity for yours - and everyone else's - happiness.
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster
Are you ever not hungry? No judgment...just curious. You have food on the brain (and most often something sweet) quite often. You may find it hard to think of anything else when you're really hungry and just start repeating what it is you want over and over again. This method probably works better than you realize since people will fill your wishes just to make you stop talking about whatever food has taken up residence in that dream bubble above your head.
Shaggy (& Scooby-Doo)
Shaggy (& Scooby-Doo)
Your hanger can often be brought on by food being dangled in front of you and denied. Let me guess, you hate it when your friends decide to go out for dinner with you and then take forever and a day to decide when and where so you just sit there, daydreaming about what you might possibly get to eat. You probably zone out quite a bit when imagining the prospect of food and will become a tad bit useless until you get to indulge.
Okay, you're pretty harmless when you're hangry. You get surly and grumpy and antisocial, but it's not that different from other times, is it? It's fine. The first person that gives you some food (preferably carb and/or cheese filled) will be your best friend for a few minutes...until you get hungry again anyways. Unfortunately you find yourself in this position a lot so it may be best to try to keep a pretty steady snack stash nearby.