Which Divergent Faction Do You Belong In?
Which Divergent Faction Do You Belong In?
Ever wonder which faction you would belong in? Erudite, Candor, Dauntless, Amity, Abnegation, Divergent, or Factionless?
Ever wonder which faction you would belong in? Erudite, Candor, Dauntless, Amity, Abnegation, Divergent, or Factionless?

Sorry but you knew it was coming!-
What's your favorite color?
Pick your choice weapon.
Style Question!- Which would you rather wear?
Heart or Brain? Which do you use more often?
Who is your hero?
What do you hate most of all?
What do you look for in a significant other?
What do your friends usually come to you for?
Which of these is your favorite source of entertainment?
What's your idea of a good vacation?
You are Erudite the faction of intelligence! You are one smart cookie! You prefer to look on the logical side of things. You always analyze the situation and options and think about all of the variables before making a choice or taking action. You always have excellent grades and always know all of the facts. People envy your intelligent choices and quick whit. Keep on studying!
You are Dauntless the faction of bravery! You are an invincible wall, there's no getting past you! Your quick on your feet and always think on the go. Your instincts are razor sharp and no risk is too risky for you. Although everyone has fears, you aren't scared to face yours. People think your crazy and you kind of are, but your bravery is what makes you, you!
You are Candor the faction of honesty! You are blunt as I'll get out. You can't stand being lied to and your not scared to tell people the truth no matter what. Sometimes you hurt people's feelings but hey the truth hurts sometimes. Your the person to go to for advice because your always going to tell them the undeniable. You are very opinionative and stubborn but that's what everyone loves about you! Let the truth prevail!
You are Abnegation the faction of selflessness! Vanity is the work of the devil! You are always putting others before yourself. Never once have you ever passed up the chance to help someone else. You never really look in the mirror too long and could care less about your appearance. Your always there to nurture and care for others. You only want everyone around you to be taken care of. Keep on helping others!
You are Amity the faction of kindness! "Stars can't shine without darkness." You are always doing the right thing and you are always happy. You feel that a person should always follow their heart because being kind leads to peace and ultimate happiness. You let your emotions tell you how to live your daily life and because of that you base most of your decisions on how you feel. You always try to look on the positive side and strive for peace and love. Peace out man!
You are Divergent! You can't be conformed and you certainly can't be described as one thing! You think in all aspects. You use your brain and your heart equally and you believe that you can't succeed without using both. You are brave, intelligent, kind, selfless, and honest. You are an extremely diverse person with multiple personalities. You stand out from the rest. Different is a good thing!
You are Factionless! You have left it all behind. Your not sure who you are anymore. You are just a person starting over. You are just a person trying to survive in a world that's going crazy. Just remember to hold your head up high, you'll find your place. You'll figure everything out and thrive and shine brighter than the sun! Just keep on keeping on!