Which OUAT Man Is Your Future Husband?
Which OUAT Man Is Your Future Husband?
OUAT (Once Upon A Time) brings our classic childhood fairytales to life and puts a new and original twist on them. Which of these OUAT men is your future husband?
OUAT (Once Upon A Time) brings our classic childhood fairytales to life and puts a new and original twist on them. Which of these OUAT men is your future husband?

Pick your choice weapon.
Which of these personality traits do you think you could overlook?
Which of these is most important to you?
Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?
Which of these stereotype boys are you most attracted to?
Eyes, Smile, Hair, or Body?
Where would you rather live?
Which of these is your favorite Disney Princess?
Yin or Yang?
How many kids do you want?
Who are you hoping your result will be?
Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue)
Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue)
You got Captain Hook! Now before you start thinking 'great I got one of the dumbest villains ever' what you need to know is in OUAT Captain Gillian Hook is quite the catch. The pirate was driven by the thought of revenge on 'The Crocodile' (Rumpelstiltskin) for cutting off his hand for years. That is, until he fell in love and began to change his selfish ways and started to become a hero! That means you must be something for you to have changed this cunning pirate!
Prince Charming (Joshua Dallas)
Prince Charming (Joshua Dallas)
You've got Prince Charming! Lucky! David Charming is perhaps, the most loyal spouse you could ever ask for. The handsome prince will always find his way back to you. David would do anything to protect the people he loves and even the ones he doesn't. Although, the prince is a true hero he also has a dark side, but then again doesn't everyone? Overall, you're one lucky lady to be wed to this charming prince.
Robin Hood (Sean Maguire)
Robin Hood (Sean Maguire)
You got Robin Hood! Robin is about as kind as it gets. Sure' he is a thief but he's not selfish. All his proceeds go to the poor and down traughted. Robin is very family oriented and believes that absolutely anyone can find happiness. However, robin comes with a code, a code he feels he must always follow, so you have to learn to take him for what he is, a man who lives by a code. Be glad you're you because Robin Hood will make an amazing husband.
Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle)
Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle)
You got Rumpelstiltskin A.K.A 'The Dark One'. Rumpel is the darkest man ever known. Rumpel (like all villains) has a broken past his father left him as a child and he left his only beloved son for power. Rumpel tries to make himself a happy ending with his son and true love still making fatal mistakes along the way. but deep down all Rumpel really wants is love. Think your up to the challenge of making this dark man a hero with your love?
Henry (Jared Gilmore)
Henry (Jared Gilmore)
You got Henry A.K.A 'The True Believer'. Henry swan is the son of Emma Swan, 'The Savior', this means he is Snow White and Prince Charming's grandson. Also, his adoptive mother is Regina Mills 'The Evil Queen'. And yes Henry is only 13 but you will never find anyone more devoted than him. Henry believes fiercely in all the people he loves even his evil second mom. Henry would never abandon you and no matter what choices you make he would support and believe in you. He may be just a boy but Henry will be the best husband for you one day.
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay)
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay)
You got Peter Pan! You might be thinking 'Yes! I got Peter Pan!' but what you need to know is that in OUAT 'The Boy Who'll Never Grow Up' is one of the evilest villains we face. Peter is full of secrets and hides out of fear. You don't want to mess with him. But if we've learned anything about light and darkness in OUAT it is that villains have some light and heroes have some darkness. Let's just hope you're special enough to bring out the light in this boy.