Which Color Beret Are You?
Which Color Beret Are You?
Many think that the beret color only indicates which unit you serve in. The truth is that it signifies much more...
Many think that the beret color only indicates which unit you serve in. The truth is that it signifies much more...

Which photo do you most relate to?
What is your favorite animal?
Which band/artist is the best?
What is your favorite fruit?
What do your weekends sound like?
How do you prefer to sit on a chair?
Who is your favorite fictional character?
How do you eat your Oreos?
Home is where...
Gray - Air Force
Gray - Air Force
You are confident in yourself. You have a goal, and you know how to pursue it. You like to work in a professional setting and only with other motivated people, when absolutely required. Due to your keen attention to detail, you produce real quality work. Hiding your personal greatness at times becomes difficult. But that's OK. You, be you.
Forest Green - Intelligence
Forest Green - Intelligence
You have a brain like no other, though very modest. A silent genius. You do your job well and efficiently. You are quiet in crowd settings, but your true friends know the real you. You prefer to be behind the scenes because you know that without your work, the world wouldn't run properly. Essentially, you are the superhero in disguise.
Silver - Combat Engineering Corps
Silver - Combat Engineering Corps
You're a giver! You take one for the team! With your bravery, you truly prevail because you know that if you don't do it, someone else will have to. That just doesn't sit right with you. A true hero. Just remember that even a hero needs protection sometimes!
Royal Blue - Military Police
Royal Blue - Military Police
You're a stickler for rules! I mean, they're there for a reason, aren't they? And you take it upon yourself to make sure that everyone follows them. Shoes must be shined to the tee at all times. You cringe when you see something out of place. Just remember, the ends don't always justify the means.
Brown - Golani Brigade
Brown - Golani Brigade
You're a real man's man. You're proud of what you do. Though you have a strong personality, you never forget about your brothers. A natural-born leader and a team player. You know people look up to you. A sort of legend. And yet, you don't let your head get too big. Good job!
Black - Armored Corps
Black - Armored Corps
You're a warm cuddly bear! Though it takes some time to warm up to you, people end up loving you. A stand-up personality. A bit protective and always loyal. Your friends often tell you that they feel more secure when you're around. Not sure what it is about you, but hey, you'll take it!
Red - Paratroopers Brigade
Red - Paratroopers Brigade
A well-respected gentleman. You come from a great family with an honorable dynasty. You are confident, yet respect authority. You are highly motivated and a hard worker. Pretty much every mother has tried setting you up with their daughter. And you don't necessarily mind the attention. At the end of the day, you're just proud to be part of something great!
Orange - Home Front Command
Orange - Home Front Command
You're strong with a soft side. Courageous. Not afraid to stand up for what you believe in, although you'll never throw your friend under the bus to do so. A true team player. You're willing to do anything to help the greater good. Very friendly and sweet. Sometimes even a bit quirky. But don't let that fool anyone. You're always ready to get your hands dirty and are up for any challenge.