All about Bitcoin in 17 questions
All about Bitcoin in 17 questions
The world’s most valuable cryptocurrency is a decade old - how much of a crypto bull are you?
The world’s most valuable cryptocurrency is a decade old - how much of a crypto bull are you?

All about Bitcoin in 17 questions
What is the underlying technology upon which Bitcoin is built?
What was the first purchase made with Bitcoin?
Worth $41 at the time, how much would 10,000 Bitcoins be worth now?
How much is a Bitcoin worth approximately today (29th October 2018) then?
Bitcoin has consistently grown in value every (completed) year except for…
What is its overall performance expected to be in the calendar year 2018?
What was the pinnacle of its value amid the 2017 crypto craze?
Which musician was thought to have made $8m after allowing his 2014 album to be bought in Bitcoin in 2014 - only for the reports to be debunked later?
What is the maximum number of Bitcoins which will be created?
How are Bitcoins verified?
When is it expected that the last Bitcoin will be mined?
Who is Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto?
How many Bitcoins is he/she/they estimated to have?
And they are worth approximately what today?
What happens when a wallet with Bitcoins in it is lost?
Can you take back a transaction?
A 2017 study claimed Bitcoin’s mining network uses more power than…