What's Your Secondary Hogwarts House?
What's Your Secondary Hogwarts House?

What's your house?
A student comes up to you and accuses you of jinxing their broom. They raise their wand threatening to hex you. What do you do?
A third year asks you to the Yule Ball. But you don't want to go with them. What do you say?
What's your favorite class? And why?
Which one best fits your aesthetic?
You find a bag of galleons in Hogsmeade. There's no one around. What do you do?
Your in detention and you have to organize the store room. You find a chest with several items which do you examine first?
You have to write a whole scroll of parchment on the magical creature you admire most and why? Which do you choose?
Pick your favorite quote.
What was your house again???
Main House:
Hufflepuff: You are a softie on the outside but you're secretly plotting the demise of everyone around you. You are generally open and happy and don't like to show your dark side.
Slytherin: You are usually closed off and cold towards people you don't know. It takes you awhile to warm up to others but your real friends know that you would do anything for them.
Main House:
Gryffindor: This is a strange combination because everyone believes the stereotype that Gryffindors and Slytherins are very different, but they're actually not. People may call you reckless, but they don't know that behind every action there is a plan. You always try to think before you act.
Slytherin: You are very proud to be a Slytherin and would do anything to defend your house...sound familiar? You are more like a Gryffindor than you think. You would do absolutely anything to defend the people and things you love. However, your Slytherin side kicks in when you get in a situation you know you can't handle so you think of a way out of it.
Main House:
Slytherin: This is a dangerous combination, not for you, but for those who get on your bad side. With your cunning ability to figure out any situation you make a mighty opponent.
Ravenclaw: You enjoy learning things that will help you out in life and you discard any information that won't help your cause. You have a clever mind that helps you achieve what you want.
Main House:
Hufflepuff: You don't enjoy it, but when it comes down to it you never stray away from a fight. When you get angry you tend to act out physically rather than verbally. If anyone touches your cookie, they better watch out.
Gryffindor: Unlike other Gryffinpuffs you usually try to fight people verbally rather than physically. However, you don't like to fight others and do your best to keep yourself and your friends out of trouble.
Main House:
Ravenclaw: Being a Gryffinclaw is often a hindrance for you. Your brain and heart often disagree. When faced with a problem your first reaction is to think it out but as the situation worsens you tend to need to act out physically. This doesn't necessarily mean punching someone in the face. Maybe you will just wave your hands around dramatically in an argument.
Gryffindor: You struggle the most with other people's Housism. When you first tell others that you are a Gryffindor they automatically think you are a reckless person who probably will hit someone in the face in the next 30 seconds. But its their loss because that's very unlike you. You do get into arguments easily but you also get out of them easily. Your brain and heart work together which makes you a calm and collected, but still passionate, person.
Main House:
Hufflepuff: You're the type of person who, when the rest of the Hufflepuffs want to have a slumber party and need snacks, finds a way to sneak into the kitchens. You tend to use your brains for good rather than evil. When faced with a problem or a fight you like to think of how your actions will effect others before you do anything.
Ravenclaw: Sometimes you feel like you don't fit in with the other Ravenclaws. You like to spend time with or around others. Other Ravenclaws like to take time for themselves and like to be alone. Not you. Sure, you like to be alone sometimes, but only when someone else is near you. When faced with a problem you like to consult others before acting.
What's Your Secondary Hogwarts House?