What a PPC Management Agency Can Do for Your Company

PPC, or pay per click, is capable of so much more than what its name implies.

Igor Antonov
Created by Igor Antonov (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 2, 2018
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PPC, or pay per click, is capable of so much more than what its name implies. That being said, instead of paying simply to display an ad, it’s nice to only pay whenever a user clicks on your ad. This is why online advertisers like it so much. However, that’s not all that the process entails.

The Elements of a PPC Campaign

The main part is obviously the campaign itself. However, when you break it down, you’ll find that it’s divided into ad groups, which are a group of ads that are related to a campaign. Within these ads, you’ll find keywords sprinkled throughout all of them. You want to make sure that they are relevant to your ad group. In fact, Google, for example, uses keyword relevance in order to figure out if and where your ad will be placed. Inside of each ad, you’ll also find ad text. It’s important that the text is captivating so that people would be interested in clicking on it. Last but not least, there’s your landing page. This is where the users end up going after clicking on the ad. You also want to make sure that it uses relevant keywords.

Types of PPC

In addition, there are many different types of PPC. The one that you are most likely familiar with is Google AdWords. This network lets users run ads in the search results as well as on private sites. However, other search engines like Bing offer the same form of advertising. You’ll also find PPC advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook which, might I add, is one of the most inexpensive places to advertise. One of the best parts, however, is the fact that companies can create retargeting campaigns with PPC. This offers companies the opportunity to bring back those who have visited your site in the past.

How Much Does PPC Cost?

When it comes to the price of PPC, it’s definitely something that varies. This is due to the fact that all keywords come at different prices based on their demand. Therefore, those words that are bid on by many different companies tend to be more expensive. That being said, the amount that your company spends on PPC is set by your company. Therefore, you won’t ever be spending more than the budget that you’ve allotted for it. This means that as soon as your budget’s been spent, the ad network will stop running your ad until you put more money into your account.
Now, how does this bidding system actually work?

How the Bidding System Works

Companies bid on keywords through an open auction. The ad placement is then determined based on your bid and the ad quality. The quality of the ad is determined on the relevance of your keywords and your landing page along with the click-through rate of the ad. The bid is then multiplied by the quality score in order to figure out your overall ad rank. Therefore, if your overall ad rank is greater than that of others, your ad will be at the top. The best part is that should your ad get chosen, you’ll actually be paying less than what your bid was. Instead, it’s your quality score divided by the ad rank of the bidder right under you plus one cent.
As you can see, PPC advertising is much more complex than simply “paying whenever your ad gets clicked on”. It’s comprised of so many intricate parts and many decisions need to be made before putting it into action. To ensure that you are doing everything correctly and making the smartest decisions possible, it’s recommended that companies utilize PPC management services. Although there isn’t such thing as the best PPC management company as every company has different requirements, you could begin your search with our PPC management agency, Threat and Engagement Analytics.

Threat and Engagement Analytics

Threat and Engagement Analytics, or TEA, is our PPC management software that optimizes Google AdWords through our machine learning predictive analytics software. By combining our team of experts with our software, we are able to provide companies with the top performing keywords, automate their AdWords bids, and get rid of click fraud. As a result, we make sure that companies advertising budget only gets used on those who engage with their website. Let’s break it down.
Our click fraud protection software automatically detects any traffic that comes from click bots or any other bad quality sources for that matter based on mouse movement. We provide every visitor with a threat score, block those that aren’t good, and then create engagement scores for the actual visitors. Companies are able to decrease their advertising budget by up to 20% when getting rid of these bots or any other type of click fraud.
In addition, we utilize our in-depth algorithms in order to identify the real visitors and monitor their movements on companies site. With that engagement score that they receive, companies can gain a better understanding of how users interact with their website. We then make trends from that data that way companies can take actionable decisions that will help boost the customer experience.
It’s also important to note the Google’s adjustments are typically delayed by up to 18 hours, therefore, many companies bids are out of sync with the current trends and data. This is why TEA tracks both visitor and engagement data in actual time. As a result, keywords bid costs, location, and other main metrics are adjusted.
It is also worth mentioning that we measure engagement as well as optimize campaigns. By measuring and analyzing how visitors interact with a site, companies understand that it’s actually their site that needs improvement versus their ads. In addition, since we are able to figure out which campaigns provide engagement and which ones don’t, companies are able to understand which ones they should keep running and which ones should be paused.
However, if you are interested in learning more, please feel free to visit our site!

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