A Slice of Jersey City, NJ

Gino's Pizzeria in Jersey City, NJ. A family owned business from the start since 1976, and gives you the good sensation of a real New Jersey Pizza. Great place to grab a quick bite to eat at a great price.
By: Jennifer Malti
Digital Storytelling

Jennifer M
Created by Jennifer M (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 13, 2019
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Gino's Pizzeria

The pizzeria that provides the real thing when it comes to pizza.

Gino's Pizzeria in Jersey City, NJ

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Located in Jersey City, New Jersey

Gino's Pizzeria Story Video

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shows the impacts of the wonders of pizza!

Pizza Tasty Video

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A great way to make a nice homemade crispy cheese pizza

Plain Cheesy Crispy Pizza

This Pizza recipe was inspired my favorite pizzeria, Gino’s Pizzeria in Jersey City, NJ. My mother would take me there as a kid as part of tradition because she has been going to this pizzeria since she was a kid. 
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Serving: 8 Serving size: 1 slice
·     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
·     Go to your local grocery store and pick up Papa Sal’s pizza dough
·     Make sure pizza dough is defrosted before making.
·     Pick up mozzarella cheese from your local grocery store .
·     Pick up Classico Traditional Pizza Sauce from your local grocery store
·     2 cups of All-purposed flour
·     1 packet of Papa Sal Pizza dough or if you want to make your own, you can mix yeast flour.
·     2 cups of Kraft Shredded mozzarella cheese
·     1 ½ cups of Classico Traditional Pizza sauce, or if you want to make your own pizza sauce, take tomato sauce, oregano, and garlic
1.     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.     Add a base coat of flour to surface to avoid stickiness.
3.     Add the 2 cups of all purposed flour to the dough.
4.     Knead the dough and flatten it.
5.     Then pour 1 ½ cups of the Pizza sauce over the pizza.
6.     After add 2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese over the sauce.
7.     Put the pizza in the oven on a flat pan.
8.     Bake for 20 minutes.
9.     Then take it out and Enjoy!

Gino's Pizzeria Commercial

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Great place to Grab a bite to eat!

360 Photo

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Annotated Bibliography 1 out of 5

Mangia (2017, February 20). History of Pizza | New Jersey Pizza. Retrieved April 16, 2019, from http://mangiabrickovenpizza.com/history-pizza-new-jersey/
The publisher is Mangia. They have published several articles online on the website about the many differences and histories of pizza. 
The audience is geared towards young teens and early adults who likes pizza and wants to try new things with pizza. 
The reading is about the history of pizza coming into New Jersey. The article mention a time where pizza wasn’t such a big staple. It all started in Old Napoli. Pizza came from flatbreads that were seasoned. Then they got into the city of Naples in the late 18thcentury and then begun to have tomatoes added. The reason it took so long for tomatoes to get on these flatbreads was because tomatoes came from America and were imported to Europe. In the late 19thCentury, pizza finally, made its way to America. The first pizza place in America opened up in 1903 in Chicago and then a few years later, made its way to New Jersey. Pizza has evolved over the last century but it continues to change and become new again for the better.    
This article overall was short but, straight to the point. It provides the reader with all the major details about pizza as well as how it got to America and eventually in New Jersey. Overall, this reading was very good.

Annotated Bibliography 2 out of 5

Epicurious. (2016, September 12). Retrieved April 16, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRn5iONxSQQ
The creator of this YouTube video is the channel Epicurious. They are a channel that creates various videos to involve food. 
The audience that this video is geared towards young teens who want to learn more about pizza and just the history of food. 
This YouTube video is about the secret history of pizza. The video talks about where pizza originated. There’s rumors of it starting in Greece, the Mediterranean, and then the famous origin of Italy. In Naples, Italy, in 1889, they had a flat bread and then a man named Raffaele Esposito changed the game for pizza. He was a famous pizza maker and had a request to make a pizza for Queen Margherita. He decided he wanted the pizza to represent the Italian flag. For the white he did Mozzarella cheese, the green for basil, and tomato for red. It became what is now known as the margarita pizza. He is known as the father of all modern pizza. Then, later that century, Italians immigrated to America to put together and influence what is now American pizza. 
This video was short but, very effective. It provides all the important details needed to know the origin of pizza. It was overall a very educational video. 

Annotated Bibliography 3 out of 5

Barrett, L. (2014). Pizza, A Slice of American History. Voyageur Press.
The author is Liz Barrett. She is a journalist and she has been writing about pizza to inform her audience about its great deliciousness. 
The audience this is geared toward is to everyone that wants to know the in and outs of pizza and its origins.  
Liz Barrett talks about her experiences with pizza and where it comes from. In her introduction, she talks about where she remembered her first taste of pizza. She got a pizza pie and it influenced her for the rest of her life. Since then she has decided to figure out all about pizza. She then starts to go on about the famous Espositios, as the first biggest appearance for pizza. Barrett then goes on to say that Darius the Great baked flatbreads covered with cheese and dates and started the idea of something along the lines of pizza. She further explained Neapolitans were enjoying tomato-topped pies. Barrett then explains how pizza immigrated to the states in the late 1800’s and was sold to laborers as an inexpensive lunch and went on virtually unnoticed. Then it later was discovered and started being promoted and is now as popular as it is. 
Overall, it was a very well written book and it allowed me to relate to the times of when I had my first slice of pizza. She used good techniques to convey information but, also relate to the reader.

Annotated Bibliography 4 out of 5

La Gorce T., Is Pizza Healthy?, (2018, March). New Jersey Monthly, The Pizza Issue.
The authors of the magazine are several authors and the publisher of the magazine is New Jersey Monthly and they produce a lot of articles for things in New Jersey. The author for the specific article I am writing on is Tammy La Gorce and she is a writer for New Jersey Monthly. 
The audience this is geared towards for people who want learn more about the health factors of pizza and whether it is healthy. 
This article is about whether pizza is healthy or not. The article explains how the typical slice contains 318 calories. However, La Gorce, says that while the daily dose of calories is 2,000 a day, the distribution of it all isn’t ideal. La Gorce says that the dough provides little fiber and the cheese is high in fat. Eating a slice once in a while is okay. She then goes onto say that that’s just a plain slice of pizza. If you made it a pepperoni slice, you add 140 calories. A better alternative to keep it as healthy as possible is going for a vegetable topping. If you can stick to one slice of pizza, it still beats out a Big Mac which is far more packed with calories at 540. 
This article was very interesting. I didn’t take into account the nutritional factors of pizza. I am going to be more conscious of what I eat in terms of pizza from now on because I want to make sure I balance out my calories. 

Annotated Bibliography 5 out of 5

Lee, A. (2018, July 7). A History of Pizza. Retrieved April 16, 2019, from https://www.historytoday.com/archive/historians-cookbook/history-pizza
The author is Alexander Lee. He is an author and has written books as well is in (the department with the study of the Renaissance at the University of Warwick).
The audience this is geared towards is people to learn the ancient roots of where pizza really came from and how it became so popular today. 
This reading is about pizza and how it came to be. It is said to be the world’s favorite fast food. Three billion pizzas are sold each year, just in the United States. That is an average 46 slices per person. It mentions how the origin of pizza started in Italy, but it wasn’t really noticed as the huge delicacy that it is. When cookbooks first appeared in the late 19th century, they had ignored the thought of pizza. Despite the fact that it created restaurants and made its own improvements, they still ignored it. This later lead to people moving north and taking their cuisine with them. Later on it was said that America made pizza find its second home. Then a pizzeria called Lombardi’s opened up in New York City and p;/made it become an even bigger sensation. After that, pizza started to have changes that made it what it is today and creates a more standardized look and variation of what pizza is now due to all the pizza chains and being able to really market it everywhere. 
This article was very educational and provided a lot of detail. It allowed the person reading it to really get a sense of where pizza came from and how it is what it is today. 

Would you go to Gino's?

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End Note

Overall this project was really eye opening. This project allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to more people. At the same time I got to learn so much more about my favorite pizzeria. It was cool and interactive to see that how the different mediums could be put together and create one cool story. I also experienced some struggle with this project as well. I had to manage and figure out how I would film things and I how I would structure my project. I had to make sure that I was keeping my audience captivated and interested. Overall, this project was a good sum up to the semester because it provided me the knowledge I had learned and forced me to put what I learned into action with this project.

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