Top Organic Keto intensity and by following strict dietary rules and an exercise plan that works for you, you're soon to have a great beach body. There are 4 main things that you need to remember if you are serious about losing weight: Stay Hydrated - If you top your body up with water throughout the day your body is less likely to retain water, this means that weight loss becomes easier. It can also do great things for your skin and digestion! Try to have 8 glasses every day. Lift Weights -Heavy weights help you tone up and burn fat fast. Use compound exercises to tone up specific areas and burn calories even when you're not doing cardio. Sleep Well - Aim to get 8 hours sleep a night to keep you motivated, well rested, improve your concentration and promote muscle repair. Eat Little and Often - If you starve your body, it will hold onto the food it does have which makes it harder to lose weight.