Nsor Okpa Ojiji - Dont do business with Nigerian criminal Nsor Ojiji
Nsor Okpa Ojiji - Dont do business with Nigerian criminal Nsor Ojiji

Nsor Okpa Ojiji - Dont do business with Nigerian criminal Nsor Ojiji
Make sure you take care not getting scammed by the following Person from Calabar, Nigeria:
Mr. Nsor Okpa Ojiji from Calabar
Fax Number
He is a dangerous scammer and my goal is to spread these news to prevent further scams
Fed up with e-mail frauds purportedly originating from Nigeria, https://issuu.com/nogawills/docs/13918-4-ripoff_report-sm.docx the countrys federal government will certainly soon reveal brand-new strategies to trap as well as prosecute cybercriminals.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Nigerian finance preacher, stated on Wednesday that she had led preparing for a war e-mail fraud that would certainly employ Nigerian law enforcement authorities as well as consist of an international marketing campaign to warn potential sufferers.
As Nigerias priest of finance, I am incredibly angry at these people who perform fraudulence by e-mail, Ngozi claimed in a meeting at the Globe Economic Forum. We will no longer permit them to wreck