What Kind of Reader Are You?

If you're a student you probably know the pain of working through a 24 page reading only to not remember the last 23 pages. Everyone has a different reading style that works for them and finding that reading style can make a huge difference in how well you retain and understand course material. Are you somebody who can only read off of physical paper or do you need to read online? Should you highlight your readings or go minimal? Check out this official YouAlberta reading quiz to find out!

Created by Sammy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 27, 2018
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How do you take notes in class?

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How much do you doodle?

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What type of learner are you?

Pick one

Rate your spatial awareness out of 5

Do you have a diary/journal?

What is your preferred study method?

Where do you sit in class?

Notetaking Reader

Notetaking Reader

Whether you're reading digitally or physically, you're consistently taking notes during readings. Highlighting is fine and notes in the margins are good too but for you it's best to flesh out your ideas in a separate document. The biggest challenge for the Notetaking Reader is maintaining the flow of a reading while also taking thoughtful notes.

Famous readers like you: Bingbong from Inside Out, Melissa McCarthy, Justin Trudeau

Digital Only Reader

Digital Only Reader

Books and magazines are nice but when it comes down to it there's nothing like reading on a computer, tablet, or phone. You read best when you have the flexibility to switch between devices and can take quick breaks to peruse facebook or google a term. You're the rare reader who can actual handle the plethora of distractions online and use technology for max effectiveness.

Famous readers like you: Catherine the Great, Isaac Newton, Buddha

Mix and Match Reader

Mix and Match Reader

Congratulations! You are the Mix and Match Reader, AKA the most flexible reader out there. You don't have any one style that works better for you at all times but rather you mix and match highlighting, reading online, and pure reading depending on the assignment. The key challenge for the Mix and Match Reader is knowing when to apply certain reading styles appropriately.

Famous readers like you: Tommy Wiseau, Beyonce, Angela

Highlights Please Reader

Highlights Please Reader

You're the type of reader who can't get into a reading without a brightly coloured neon marker in hand. Highlighting lets you to pull out the key information in a reading and allows you to easily come back to it later if you need to cite evidence for a paper or class discussion. While it may lower a book's resale value it sure boosts comprehension!

Famous readers like you: Oprah Winfrey, Sam Goertz, Marky Mark

Notes in the Margins Reader

Notes in the Margins Reader

You're the type of reader who likes highlighting fine but just don't think that it goes quite far enough for your liking.You prefer to free associate while reading by marking up the margins of your paper with notes. This reading style is great for thinking through a reading without interrupting your reading flow too much.

Famous reader like you: Marlon Brando, Jess Mariano, Aly from Aly and AJ

Pure Reader

Pure Reader

For you the most important thing while reading is maintaining a consistent reading flow. Taking highlights or notes would only take you out of the reading and since your memory is so good anyway who needs notes? This extremely rare reading style prioritizes a good reading environment that allows for maximum focus.

Famous readers like you: Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Joey from Friends

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