What Changed For G Suite Users In 2019?
What Changed For G Suite Users In 2019?

What Changed For G Suite Users In 2019?
In this day and age keeping information under wraps for the smallest given time is the most tedious and impossible task anyone can think of. The world has come to a point where nothing can remain confidential as long as it exists. In this scenario establishing an exclusively private and immensely secure data sharing platform is one of the hardest challenges that exist. G Suite which is one of the best service providers for sharing confidential information across a secure channel has always strived to live upto that challenge with the Gmail confidential mode.
Business owners and private persons have largely relied on Gmail confidential mode to send in valuable information to their recipients with a promise of confidentiality. The service has always ensured that the intended recipient was the only one at the receiving end of the data send through various technological features. With its built in Information Rights Management the service ensure that no confidential data can be downloaded, printed, copied or forwarded without authorization. It also has a feature which allows the opening of the confidential message only after authentication through text messages. The added feature of expiration period for a given message has also helped immensely in increasing the security of information.
In 2019 the use of Gmail confidential mode has become essential for a successful customer communication. Today your business is evaluated on the basis of user satisfaction as well as your capability to keep confidential data private and secure and these two goals are never mutually exclusive. However it is also true that availing G Suite services can create a sizable dent in your budget plans. The service is expensive as much as it is useful and you would have to spend a good amount each month if you intend to keep it as well.
However it is extremely easy to cut costs in your expenditure for G Suite services with a bit of planning. The most useful method for this purpose is availing promo code which can get you upto 20 % discounts if you're a new customer. G Suite promotion codes are not distributed publicly as it is not allowed by Google. However customers can fill in a form online requesting for the coupons following which you will immediately get a response with the coupon in your inbox. Promotion codes are therefore the easiest way to cut costs while availing G Suite services.
In 2019 you can cut costs in a number of ways apart from the obvious use of G Suite promotion codes. If you're an owner of multiple businesses with multiple domains it would do you a lot of good to consolidate all your businesses under a single domain. In this way you can avail access of G Suite services in a single domain for all of your businesses. This can effectively increase your cost cuts to 65 % along with the 20% from G Suite promotion codes.
You can also consider converting the monthly plan for your G Suite services to an annual plan. Annual plan can effectively save 17% more than a monthly plan. This is an ideal plan to consider if you're an owner of an established business and if you don't want to deal with the hassle of paying every month. However, a monthly plan would be more useful to a private person using the services for themselves or if your business has employees joining and leaving in a short span of time. Monthly plans are more ideal in the sense that you wouldn't be stuck availing the services from G Suite for a year if you find it inconvenient for some reason.
Even though G Suite can prove to be expensive it is an effective way to preserve confidentiality of your data in this day and age. It also helps that there are effective ways in which you can reduce costs on the services as well through promotion codes and effective planning. Google also provides G Suite Education free of cost for educational institutions. The service is also free for nonprofit organization with a user count below 3000 above which there is a 66 % discount. For more details you can consult certified G Suite consultant Goldy Arora.