uPVC Column Pipes effectively replaced conventional piping materials in Borewell and Tubewell Applications
uPVC Column Pipes effectively replaced conventional piping materials in Borewell and Tubewell Applications

uPVC Column Pipes effectively replaced conventional piping materials in Borewell and Tubewell Applications
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes are a combination of plastic and vinyl. It is an appropriate medium for getting clean water from deep and shallow borewell. These pipes are strong, rigid, resistant to damage and has a longer life. They do not rust, rot, or wear over a long period of time. Due to the ability of these pipes to withstand extreme movement and bending, it is extensively used in earthquake prone areas for borewell purposes. It has a capability of withstanding rigorous movement of the earth plates without experiencing any damage.
Here are the reasons why you should use uPVC, Column Pipes for borewell and tubewell applications
- Corrosion free: Column casing pipes, unlike steel pipes, can resist corrosion to a great extent and offer good resistance to aggressive elements inside the soil which could cause encrustation of well screens.
- Lightweight and easy to transport: As these pipes are not so heavy and the transportation and installation of them become much easier. This is one of the major advantages, especially for the remote and rural areas where road communications are unsatisfactory and inconvenient. So it is an one-time exercise.
- Quick and convenient SITC : These pipes are provided with good quality threaded joints, thus they can be Supplied, Installed, Tested and utilized . The drilling is done by hand with lightweight drilling rig or often with large capacity of drilling machines.
- Strong, Tough and Rigid: With the advent of stiffness and it has a capability to meet all the mechanical properties as per the international standards. Along with it, with their brilliant hydrostatic collapse pressure i.e. capable of withstanding the external hydraulic pressure they would be subjected to during well construction, it makes Column pipes ideal for borewell and tubewell applications
- Non-toxic: The material of the pipe is non-toxic and hence does not impart any taste, odor or color to the water passing through it or extracted through it. Without releasing any harmful substances to water from the well, it helps refraining any health problem. It is free from bacteria and hence absolutely safe for carrying drinking water.
- Resistant to Electricity: uPVC is a non-conductor of electricity, which do not eliminate any elector chemical action along with the groundwater, which could cause encrustation of the screens.
- Long Life and Durable: As these pipes are resistant to rusting, weathering and reactive to any chemical action, Column Pipes lasts for almost a lifetime. And due to excellent mechanical properties, they are an one-time invested for the purpose.
- Smart and economical: Best quality Column pipe manufacturers can provide the best cost-benefit ratio when compared to other materials like steel.
- UV stabilized: As they are exposed to outdoor site settings, uPVC pipes are resistant to the Ultra Violet rays of the sun, as a result of which they intent to no change in color even after longer usage. In addition to these, these pipes are not only UV rays resistant but also resistant to extreme weather conditions.
For domestic purposes, ideally borewells are usually drilled up to 4.5 and 6 inches diameter. 4.5 inch is most commonly drilled borewells for domestic purposes, 6 inch borewells are drilled when higher yield is required for large apartments or buildings and also for agricultural purposes.
Initially larger diameter bits are used to place the casing pipes up to the hard rock zone prior to drilling specified size of the borewell.
uPVC Pipes for the purpose of construction of the Tube Wells and Borewells as well as for lowering the Pumps inside it for drawing water from the underground has successfully and effectively replaced the conventional and traditional piping materials.