Which E-vay Character Are You?
Which E-vay Character Are You?
Take this quiz to discover which E-vay character you are most like!
Take this quiz to discover which E-vay character you are most like!

What is your favorite season?
I am anxious about...
Which word BEST describes you?
When I am angry, I...
My favorite way to pass time is-
Which virtue is MOST important to you?
What is your ideal date?
I suffer from...
Are you a(n)...
How do you deal with a risky situation?
What is your idea of the perfect partner?
Which is more important to you?
What is your favorite elective?
Which color most appeals to you?
Aurora the Hedgehog
Aurora the Hedgehog
You are Aurora the Hedgehog! You have a heart of gold and always do your best to look on the bright side of life. You wear your heart on your sleeve and will do anything for those you love, which sometimes causes you to react impulsively and do whatever your emotions initially tell you to do. Even when people are against you, you still firmly believe that there is goodness in everyone.
You are CC! You are extremely analytical and have already thought of every possible outcome to any situation. You are a hard worker but you are also careful to take the time to have some fun for yourself. You love being challenged and proving that you are a cut above the rest. Sure you have your quirks, but you love yourself just the way you are!
Ruff the Hyena
Ruff the Hyena
You are Ruff the Hyena! As the name implies, you are one tough-cookie who knows how to pack a punch! You may not be as refined as others, but you have a strong sense of right and wrong and take it upon yourself to ensure justice! You’ve been hurt in the past, which makes it difficult for you to trust others. This also oddly enough makes you strive for acceptance. Your inner turmoil only helps fuel your fighting spirit!
Tumble the Hyena
Tumble the Hyena
You are Tumble the Hyena! You are a lovable sweetheart but a natural troublemaker. Your intentions are good, but your curious nature means you have to constantly get in to things. You can’t be bothered with drama and prefer to approach every situation with a lighthearted attitude. That being said, your curiosity allows you to really refine your skills and gives you a great amount of potential. Wait ‘till the world sees what you can do!
You are Eclipse! A born leader, you are extremely ambitious and won’t let anybody stand in your way. When you have your sights set on something, you attack it with everything you’ve got. Unfortunately, you have a habit of losing your cool and a tendency to shut others out as you try to rise to the top. People may not always agree with your methods, but that won’t matter when they’re groveling at your feet.
E-vay the Fennec Fox
E-vay the Fennec Fox
You are E-vay the Fennec Fox! As a dimension-hopping gremlin, you love exploring and dreaming big. You do your best to make the most out of life and make others laugh, even if that means causing havoc along the way. Though kindness comes naturally to you, you can be pretty hot-headed and angry when things don’t go your way. You prefer being the one who makes the calls, but when you are under the spotlight it’s go big or go home!
Alex the Indian Wolf
Alex the Indian Wolf
You are Alex the Indian wolf! You are headstrong, loud and probably not entirely stable. You are proud of both your self-discipline as well as your spontaneity. You are a loyal friend and will do anything you can to make sure the people you care about are safe and happy. The main member of the Sonic Gang you can be seen with is Sticks who is TOTALLY NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND STOP ASKING!