Can you guess which tweets came from ELPD's Twitter account?
Can you guess which tweets came from ELPD's Twitter account?
The East Lansing Police Department is known for having funny and engaging social media platforms full of memes, funny hashtags and officer antics. Can you guess which tweets really came from @EastLansingPD?
The East Lansing Police Department is known for having funny and engaging social media platforms full of memes, funny hashtags and officer antics. Can you guess which tweets really came from @EastLansingPD?

Can you guess which tweets came from ELPD's Twitter account?
Here's how it works: We'll give you three tweets, but ONE of them was NOT tweeted from @EastLansingPD. Your job is to identify which tweet was fabricated.
Which tweet was NOT posted by ELPD's Twitter account?
Which tweet was NOT posted by ELPD's Twitter account?
Which tweet was NOT posted by ELPD's Twitter account?
Which tweet was NOT posted by ELPD's Twitter account?
Which tweet was NOT posted by ELPD's Twitter account?