QUIZ: Which BTS Member Is Your Best Friend?
QUIZ: Which BTS Member Is Your Best Friend?

It's your birthday! Your ideal present from your best friend is...
Which is closest to your skinship style?
Pick your favorite BTS song of the following: (no, you can't choose them all!)
You most value a friend who...
Uh-oh! You and your best friend get in a fight. How do you deal with it?
Your ideal vacation with your best friend would be...
Pick a BTS line that you love:
Which animal would you most want to play with?
I hope you like old man jokes, because Jin is your new best friend! From his unique sense of humor to his diva moments, BTS’s oldest hyung will be a constant source of laughter for you. But he’ll also inspire self-confidence in you and challenge you to embrace new experiences.
Suga's chill personality makes him the perfect best friend for just hanging out, and you'll have plenty of fascinating conversations with him. At the same time, his hilariously savage sarcasm will keep you on your toes!
You need a best friend who understands you on a philosophical level, making RM your perfect match. You’ll have some incredibly deep conversations together, but RM’s dorky side means you’ll also have plenty of laughs. Just don't let him borrow things from you; nothing is safe from this God of Destruction!
You'll never stop smiling with J-Hope as a best friend! This ray of sunshine will always be there for you with his humor and positive attitude to lift your spirits and make you believe in yourself.
Jimin is not only fun and youthfully energetic, but also extremely caring. He’ll be around for whatever shenanigans you want to get up to or if you just need someone to talk to, making him the perfect best friend no matter what mood you’re in!
You’re on a bit of a different wavelength from everyone else, but don’t worry: so is your best friend, V! He is just as unique and unpredictable as you are, and you’ll bring out each other’s weird sides and keep each other laughing — even if no one else gets the joke.
Your best friend is Jungkook! BTS's maknae is mostly easy-going, but has a mischievous side that means you two will get up to some crazy antics for sure. Plus, his meme faces and humorous comments will give you plenty to laugh at.
QUIZ: Which BTS Member Is Your Best Friend?