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All About Flutter And Mobile App Development With Different Frameworks

Both Flutter and React Native are frameworks on which mobile apps can be made. Most of the developers are more comfortable with React Native as it works on JavaScript and has been around since 2015.

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On Jan 10, 2019
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“Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps”.

So, here is all about Flutter and the flutter that it has created… and about React Native, Flutter’s rival…

Google launched Flutter in 2018, in Mobile World Congress. The purpose behind creating this SDK (Software Development Kit) was to resolve the issues of cross platform mobile application development; which until now has been the bane of most mobile app developers.

Flutter has eased the development of applications for Android and iOS with single database. With the statistics showing a rise of $7.5 billion in mobile cross platform development, in 2019, Flutter has indeed made things easier for mobile app development.

But then, Flutter is not the first of its kind!

Flutter and React Native- Are There Any Similarities? 

Similar platform, React Native, was developed by Facebook, in 2015. It is an open source network that brings in unity between iOS and Android platforms. React Native app development is ideal for developing native apps as it offers reliable development. However, some issues that have been noted when it is used for the development of hybrid apps. React native developers face concerns mainly that are to do with architecture and other native components when developing apps.

However, after its re- architecture, literally, the framework has become more flexible and can integrate with the native infrastructure in hybrid JavaScript and native apps without any issues.

Thus, the similarity between the two, Flutter and React Native is that both offer framework for mobile app development. Nevertheless, the similarity, more or less, ends here as both work differently from one another. Where Flutter works on Dart; React Native works on Java Script.

The other major difference is that Flutter is comparatively new and was launched only in 2018, on the contrary, React Native has been around since 2015, which is why, it has more performing tools, plus it supports a variety of IDEs. All the same, Flutter has an edge, in terms of, its compatibility with Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ idea and Android Studio.

React Native- a Favorite of Major Companies

Until now, React Native has been a favorite of major companies of the world. Advertising portal of Facebook has been constructed on React Native, it offers cross platform functionality. The many advantages that it offers combine currency transactions, bug free navigation and the natural feel of the app remains the same.
Instagram, Tesla, Uber, Bloomberg, Walmart and Delivery.com, Skype, Pinterest, Bloomberg and many other companies have built their apps on React Native.

These companies use React Native as it supports both iOS and Android. One major feature that makes React Native popular is that it is open sourced, which is compatible with Windows and tvOS.

Among few other qualities that make React Native highly popular is its super fast speed. A few seconds and you can navigate to the other level or simple get an access to the data.

Out of the two, Flutter or React Native, which one to use depends upon the accessibility of their developers. Undoubtedly, React Native has larger number of developers.

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