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Juror personality quiz 2018

Created by rhinno (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 10, 2019
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What is your stance on dropping anime?

What rating scale do you use (or would you prefer to use)?

How do you feel about others' taste in anime?

Do you read manga/LNs, or just anime?

How do you hope for your favourite source material to be adapted?

What is most likely to make you want to watch a new anime?

Which of these is most offensive to you?

Weebs hate _ more than anything. Fill in the blank.

Favorite American Cartoon?

How would you improve the 2018 anime awards?

What do you think you would be like as a juror?

What is your least favorite genre in general?

What is your favorite genre in general?

What are your thoughts on 2018 anime overall?

What's the ideal mean score?

How do you choose your discord profile picture (or any profile picture)?

Out of these options, who is the best Keion?

Out of these options, who is the best Monogatari girl?

What do you look for the most in an anime?

What is Killing Bites?

Favorite Studio?

Which production category do you care the most about?

What anime was the most snubbed from this year's awards?

What is your favorite show of 2019 so far?

Out of these options, what is your favorite anime of 2018?



/u/BioChemRS known as BioChemRS on Anilist and MAL, biochem was a juror for AOTY, Animation, Drama, Slice of Life, and Main Dramatic. They are known for being a huge Flip Flappers shill and hating every anime that isn't Flip Flappers. "Aesthetic is narrative. Plot does not matter whatsoever. Welcome to the shit show." (Also he ate a sock once: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/5saqbp/ranime_awards_2016_and_the_winners_are/ddezmhs/)



Known as 'Pandavenger' on everywhere and /u/PandavengerX on Reddit because he forgot the password to his first account, Panda was a host for the Animation, Character Design, and Art Style categories, and has been involved with the awards for all 3 years. They are known for being a stick in the mud about all the traced fanart on r/anime.



Known as Sack on anilist, or sacktheavenger on reddit/MAL, Sack was a juror for the Drama and AotY categories. They are known for being the jury's resident Happy Sugar Life shill, having watched 176 episodes of Gintama in one week, memeing excessively, and having 30000+ hours in Dota 2.



Known as /u/Combo33 on reddit and known shiller of all things Chihayafuru, Combo33 performed his juror duties in the Supporting Dramatic, Cast, OP, ED, and OST categories for the 2018 Anime Awards. For the first time, he was not chosen to be part of the Romance jury, which was the most lit AF jury for the previous two years of awards. Every jury choice you disagree with in Romance is likely because he was no longer there to fix things. OST is now the most lit cat moving forward.



Known as SuperStarfox64 on both MAL and Reddit, Starfox was a juror for the Adv/Fan, Supporting Comedic, and ED categories. They are mainly known for making gifs and a love for post apocalyptic potatoes. He also doesn't know when to stop gushing about March Comes in Like a Lion or his MAL profile design, so approach at your own risk. You can obviously make your description much more interesting, but this is the basic idea.



/u/bconeill, known as Freohr on MAL/Anilist/Discord/every other imaginable platform, was a juror for the AotY, Main Dramatic, Supporting Dramatic, Original, and Character Design categories. He used to play hearthstone semi-competitively before realizing it is a shit game, and is now doing something equally useless with his life instead. Slow-burn atmosphere and worldbuilding are common elements of many of his favorite anime.



Known as 'MetaSoshi9' on MAL, anilist, and /u/MetaSoshi9 on Reddit, Meta was the best host for the 2018 awards overseeing the Romance, Cinematography and Movie categories. She was also a juror in both the 2016 and 2017 awards! Meta is known for her complicated taste and "meme" ratings. Some of her favorite shows on her 6 by 6 are Dark Cat, Garzey's Wing, Ghost Stories and Yosuga no Sora. In real life she is a photographer who is super into herping and astronomy. Online she is a somewhat trollish person who likes to shill ashita no nadja and talk endlessly about hibike euphonium.



Known as /u/mcadylons (officially pronounced Mecha D. Lions) on Reddit, mcady was a juror for the Romance, Main Dramatic, Antagonist, Short, Slice of Life, and for a short time, Supporting Comedic categories. A member of the AniList master race, this is their 2nd year juror and 7th year as a reddit lurker. While not responsible for Clear Card, they are almost certainly responsible for anything else you think was snubbed from their categories. Known most prominently for hating Age Gap and loving the original anime Usagi Drop.



Ralon17 pretty much everywhere, Ralon was a juror in 2017 and moved into a host position for this year, hosting the drama, supporting dramatic, and OP/ED categories. "Known" for very little, they are a big fan of FLCL, 3-gatsu, and Utena, as well as enjoying obsessing over lists and other unappreciated minutiae.



Known as goukaryuu on most places on the Internet because he has no imagination and has had that screen-name for probably 20 years. He is one of the old farts among the jurors at the sprightly age of 32. You may know him for his love of tomboys, Crusader Kings 2, or the fact he watches a fuck-ton of anime and causes random old OPs to show up on AMQ, much to the consternation of those playing with him. In real life goukaryuu is a librarian.



Known as Mealstrom on AniList and /u/MaelstromMusic on Reddit, Maelstrom was a juror for Main Dramatic, Antagonist, and Backgroud Art. He is known for popping in at random times and not reading the message history. This led to the GitS announcement tweet being posted 120+ times on the server. He is also a staff member of ninsheetmusic.org where he shares his piano sheets when he actually makes them.

Rusty Sticks

Rusty Sticks

Otherwise known as rusticks on both reddit and MAL, Rusty was a juror for both Action and Comedy because he's a huge normie. If you look up the word "basic" in a dictionary, you'll probably find a picture of him. His favorite anime of all time is K-On! because it reminded him that he wasted his time in high school and it made him super depressed. Has an obsession with futa.

Feleyrie (TigerK3)

Feleyrie (TigerK3)

"Known as tigerk3 on MAL and Anilist, u/TigerK3 on reddit, Feleyrie (TigerK3) on discord, that one obnoxious guy who talks too much about Gintama, the best AMQ player you've ever met, tigerk3 was a juror for the VA and Supp Dramatic categories. They are known for being incredibly funny and witty, and I would personally say he's the best juror we've ever had on the awards. He claims High Score Girl is the best, and because I value his opinion so highly, I'm inclined to agree."
- tigerk3



Known as 'Accipender' on MAL and /u/Schinco on Reddit, Accipender was a juror for AOTY, Original, OST, Supporting-Comedic, OP, and ED categories. They're known mostly for dad jokes and other low-effort comedy.



Known as Aztecopi on Reddit, MAL and AniList, he was a juror for the Cinematography, OST, OP and ED categories. He is most known for barely having watched anime, as well as liking Hibike! Euphonium. His favorites of the year were Liz and the Blue Bird and After the Rain.



MalacostracaFlame on Discord, Reddit, and AniList. A Host for the past two years in Adventure/Fantasy and Thriller Mystery, with Main Dramatic added this year. Known for his utter hatred of iyashikei, being snarky with jurors, and curating the Awards Discord screencap albums that have popular the past three years. His favorite anime are Cross Ange and Non Non Biyori, which he hosted an award worthy Rewatch for earlier this year on the subreddit.



Congratulations, you picked CodeLelouche! Known as ‘Codename-KND’ on MAL and /u/CodeLelouche on Reddit, Code was the host for the categories of OST, OP, ED, and AOTY (is also the youngest of the hosts). Code is known in the server for being a Violet Evergarden shill—despite not directly shilling about said show—due to his mod status at r/VioletEvergarden. He also loves Aria, and refuses to watch Origination because he doesn't want it to be over.



Known as "DrJWilson' on Reddit/MAL/Anilist, Wilson was a Host overseeing the Slice of Life, Supporting Comedic, and Voice Acting categories. In addition, they were the driving force behind the creation of 2018's livestream, resulting in many sleepless nights. Lastly, their greatest goal in life is to become most like Hachikuji as possible.



A juror for comedy, romance, character design, OP, movie, and AOTY, deaf (known as deafness on MAL and anilist, and deafnesss on reddit) is known for being unable to meet deadlines despite being one of the most active server members (or maybe because they're one of the most active server members), and thus didn't submit their blurb on time. They also love everything directed by Yamada, specifically Hibike, with their favorite genre tag being music.



Known as SfaFreak everywhere (because he was not smart when he came up with that name 7 years ago), he is a juror for the Slice of Life, Cast, Cinematography, and Background Art categories. Thinks that the song is the most important part of an OP/ED. Resident onee-san connoisseur, and insists Sunohara-sou got snubbed.



Known as 'Escolyte' on virtually every platform in use, after he got rid of his old and uncreative handle. Animation aficionado and would-be artist if he could get off his lazy butt. Antagonistic animation juror for short movies. Escolyte gained infamy by wearing his objectively wrong opinions of old classics and 2018 anime alike as a badge of honour. Puking at anime is a sign of quality, not disgust. Antarctica deserved better.



"gingerbrad" on MAL/anilist and /u/Rudygnuj on Reddit is a Slice of Life and Cast juror. A Pole who hates all Poles and one of the youngest jurors of the year, known for his autistic screeching about Girls' Last Tour being snubbed in AOTY 2017 awards and having the coldest takes about anime on the planet.



Nickknight8 was a juror for Action, Adventure/Fantasy, and Thriller/Mystery. Unknown to the other jurors, they had secretly let a normie into their inner circle. He is known for promoting Fate till the sun goes down, and whose taste usually lines up with the popular consensus with some notable outliers he will not reveal. A hopeless Rin fan.

Blu | Caleb

Blu | Caleb

Chain best girl. Kekkai Sensen snubbed. Everybody love everybody. Reddit lurker mostly. Music is life. No toxin. (Caleb is known as Blueserphant on MAL and Anilist, and /u/Zelosis on reddit, and was a juror for cast, OP, ED, and OST)



Chrispy, known as chrispy294, is Gay af and loves anime. A lover of all entertainment, Chrispy has come to appreciate anime as an art form and loves watching shows that make him think critically about his own life. He also has stupidly high affinities with almost anyone on MAL, giving him the ultimate taste.



Lenlo, /u/Totalenlo on reddit, was on the Antagonist, Animation and OP Juries and appeared on the Livestream as the Antagonist representative. A Software Developer by day and an amateur boxer by night, their taste runs the gamut. Finding something they enjoy in every genre. Some of his 2018 favorites include Koi wa Ameagari, 3-Gatsu no Lion, and the first cour of Run with the Wind.

Known on Discord as 'that Antarctica guy' he wrote a 6.2k word essay on why Antarctica from A Place Further than the Universe is one of the best Antagonists of 2018 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Qtf-IWt0EIuElO_J01j4J5NM1OIhjcUgdWPYcSwxnc/edit). The hosts did not enjoy being forced to read it. Over the course of the awards it managed to convert many jurors to the cause!



Known as Isrozzis on MAL and /u/isrozzis on Reddit, Isrozzis was a juror for the Animation, Art Style, and Background Art categories. He is known for loving scarves and absolutely adores KyoAni girls wearing them. In his spare time he enjoys rock climbing and cooking, and laments the fact that there is not a proper rock climbing anime.



Known as DoctorWhoops on MAL, anilist, and reddit, whoops hosted the awards in 2017, and complained about the hosts in 2018. Juror for Background Art, Art Style, OP, ED and AOTY, and avoids action anime like the plague. Loves making rankings of anything anime related you can think of. Is a certified shill and really wants you to watch Hidamari Sketch.



Miidas on MAL and /u/Miidas-92 on Reddit. Miidas was juror for Drama, Action, Character Design and Art Style. Favorite anime is Monogatari Series. Known for shilling Lupin III Part V and introducing other jurors to the franchise.



Known as /u/MrMonday11235 on Reddit, and SirMonday on MAL (because somebody stole his fucking name goddammit), MrMonday was a juror for the Mystery/Thriller, Antagonist, and Supporting Dramatic categories. They are known for their insistence that numbers are the best way to do things, and that Takagi should definitely be considered an antagonist, seriously.



/u/weejona, juror for Main and Supporting Comedic, shill for Shimarin, hater of HSG, Aggretsuko, and Asobi Asobase. 75% normie, 25% anti-normie, lover of slice-of-life, romance, comedy, and drama.



Going by 'clerikal' on basically every known platform (Reddit, MAL, Anilist), clerikal was a juror for the ED and OST categories this year. He often tried to point out that Darling in the FRANXX wasn't quite as bad as people thought. He also began to constantly confuse the Neon Genesis ED with the Revue Starlight ED after a night of drunk AMQ.



Fircoal (known by that name on reddit, mal, and anilist) is probably the reason you've heard of Jewelpet. They love cute critters, cute girls, and shows that are happy, friendly and peaceful, and hates gore, violence, and shows that focus on suffering. Still despite all of that fluff they can be critical of shows. They are a juror for the drama, sol, art style, character design, and shorts catergory.



Known as "mpp00" on MAL and Anilist and /u/mpp00 on Reddit, mpp00 was a host for the AotY, Original and Cast categories this year. He is notorious for being the most prominent Boston sports fan in the awards despite having no connection to Boston whatsoever as well as being a major tsundere lover. On r/anime he is known for hosting the Best OP and Best Couples/Ships contest and has the most normie taste possible.

Got not Not

Got not Not

This is Jon not John, or Jeanne not Jian, or Got not Not. I'm /u/jonlxh on reddit, and a member of the r/anime writing club so you might see a few of my essays from time to time. I was a juror for the Romance, Main Comedic, and Supporting Dramatic Categories. I am known for trying to sound reasonable but actually not, and being heavily overbearing or repeating myself in Voice Chat till I am heard.



Anarchycupcake uses the same handle on MAL and Reddit so it makes her easy to stalk. She was a juror for the Art Style, Cinematography and OP categories. She's perhaps most notorious for stanning "Nostalgic Rainfall" and having a mean score of 7 on MAL. In her free time, she likes critiquing "Best OP/ED" videos that base their rankings mostly on the song and falling asleep on the couch.



Under the moniker PerfectPublican on Reddit, MAL, and most anywhere else, PerfectPublican was a juror for the Action, Comedy, Main Comedic, and Supporting Comedic categories. They are known for their excessively long rewatch posts, as well as a crippling addiction to cute girls doing boring things & the drug known as HYPE. In the rare moments of their spare time not spent watching anime, they're an avid traveler and 49ers fan.



/u/Animestuck, known as Animestuck on MAL and AniList, was a juror for the Adventure/Fantasy, Drama, Slice of Life, Antagonist, and Anime of the Year categories. They are known for their intense love of KyoAni. In their categories, they felt understanding other view-points through discussion was the most productive way to reach a satisfying conclusion and help all jurors better understand each other and the shows they were discussing.



Known as /u/Raging_SEAn on Reddit and 88888888 on MyAnimeList, Sean was a juror for the Drama, Slice-of-Life, Main Comedic, OP, and Shorts categories for the 2018 Anime Awards. He is known for his eagerness in making Google Sheets do his bidding, being a very urgent fellow, and worships anything closely related to Mugi or Satoshi Kon.



I'm SpareUmbrella, and I helped out with Antagonist this year. My favourite character is Diesel-san and my favourite show is Shirobako. I also keep and maintain both a list of my top 50 best girls as well as serve as a stark warning as to what having too much time on your hands will accomplish.



Known as '13Thieves' on AniList and '13_Thieves' on MAL and Reddit, 13 was a juror for the Slice of Life and Animation categories. Inspired by Sakura Quest, they work in economic development for a small rural town. They also have a bad habit of jumping on Discord while blackout drunk and trying to talk with autocorrect turned off.



Known as Pat or Patureau in reddit, MAL and discord, Pat has been part of the r/anime awards ever since the first edition in 2016 and was one of the Hosts this year. He is known as the #1 brazilian weeb and for his love of old school shounens, Yuu Kobayashi and dank memes.



Known as 'irvomaegyo24' on MAL and Anilist and /u/irvom on Reddit, irvom was a juror on the Comedy, Slice-of-Life, ED, OST and Movies categories. Is known for loving Hibike!, Gochiusa and consistently coming last in AMQ. Brought about the beginning of the Russian Movie Revolution in the Slice-of-Life category.



Known as /u/bagglewaggle on Reddit, baggle was a juror for Adventure/Fantasy and subbed in for a juror in Drama. They're known for an ardent love of March Comes in Like a Lion and bad OVAs.



Also known as “Super” despite Super is just a superelative. Like shows with heavy symbolism and also a big fan of cinema. Live in a place down under (but not as further than the universe). A juror for Production Awards this year.

Bladimir Putin (the sage)

Bladimir Putin (the sage)

Known as Nagisavskarma on MAL and /u/Taigaisbae on Reddit, Bladimir was a juror for art style, background art, and character design. They are known for liking the monogatari series way too much(especially Ougi Oshino), as well as Gintama, absolutely despising yosuga no sora, School days, and hisone to masotan, and was quite annoyed when hinamatsuri didn't get into AOTY.



Known as 'Mason0' on MAL and u/Master_of_Ares on Reddit, Ares was a juror for Action, Comedy, and Cinematography. His favorite shows include Houseki no Kuni and Shirobako and cool key visuals are sometimes enough for him to try a show.



Known as ATargetFinderScrub on anilist and reddit, and Target_Finder on MAL, target was a juror in Romance and Adventure/Fantasy. Famous as the conductor of the "Citrus=GOAT" hype train. He is also known for loving Aho Girl, Boarding School Juliet, Comic Girls, Tada koi, Grancrest Senki, Harukana Receive, Plastic Memories, Blend S, Isekai Smartphone, Goblin Slayer, How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord, Release the Spyce, and Akashic Records. Notorious (and probably unhealthy) hatred for Bloom into You, Oregairu Zoku, Pancreas, Marquia, and Darling in the Franxxx.

Also loves Call of Duty, NFL, and Baseball and hates short, immature, and big ego Quarterbacks.




Known as buzzardslicer on MAL and hamptonwooster on Reddit. hampster was a juror for Original, OP, and ED. He is known for his love of K-ON and especially Mugi.



Known as Theleux on MAL, AL, Reddit, Discord... and pretty well everywhere, the "Genre King" was a juror for the Action, Adventure/ Fantasy, Drama, Romance, and Thriller/ Mystery categories. They are known for their love of well-written genki girls (preferably pettanko), consuming visual novels and manga at an absurdly fast rate, and discussing doujinshi in-depth; which contain tags you likely never even knew existed (or preferred didn't). They became the second top juror in the server's hunger games competition, and are forever salty about Sora Yori placing above Golden Kamuy in Adventure/Fantasy.



Known as 'EpicTroll4236' on MAL and AniList and /u/EpicTroll27 on Reddit, Heather was a juror for the Voice Acting and OST categories. They're a member of the /r/anime Writing Club and avid lover of K-On. Their other favourite anime include Chihayafuru, Tsuki ga Kirei, Liz to Aoi Tori and Shirobako. They have a tendency towards romance anime and a high tolerance for trashy teen drama and iyashikei. A good OST can save a show for them. Their favourite anime OSTs are K-On, Hibike, Aria, Chihayafuru, Liz to Aoi Tori, Girls' Last Tour, Flip Flappers, Haruhi, Koe no Katachi. Their favourite seiyuus are Mamoru Miyano and Youko Hikasa.

AniList: https://anilist.co/user/EpicTroll4236/

MAL: https://myanimelist.net/profile/EpicTroll4236

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EpicTroll27/

Frenzied Hero

Frenzied Hero

Known as Frenzied Hero on MAL/Anilist, /u/FrenziedHero on Reddit, Frenzied Hero was a juror for the Thriller/Mystery and Voice Acting categories. Frenzied is known for posting a bunch of film/tv/game references because they are mostly dead, which is still slightly alive. They also like to shill Golden Kamuy, and they're still upset that Tsurumi came in 5th in VA.

Some of their favorite games include: Metal Gear Solid (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/535904617603792926/542812360629551125/unknown-3.png), Halo, Prince of Persia, and Spyro the Dragon. Some of their favorite bands/composers include: Death, Iron Maiden, Obscura, Cynic, Rush, Pink Floyd, Foreigner, Yes, Francisco Tarrega, Gustav Holst, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, and Franz Liszt.



CadisRai@Kitsu/Reddit, juror of VA. Known as the 1% when it comes to watching anime (with over 1250 completed) and the guy who doesn't play AMQ with OPs only.



Username is Tipsly everywhere. Judged Voice Acting but was originally in much more categories. I like most types of anime but lean towards anything dark. My top 5 is Chihayafuru, Haibane Renmei, Nekomonogatari Kuro, Beck, and Shirobako. I'm really into music and play guitar. I'm also the fantasy football champion of MalacostracaFlame's league.



Felix on discord and u/win32error on reddit and MAL, Felix was a juror for in the romance, cinematography, original, and aoty categories. When he isn't failing to convince his fellow jurors of the truth Felix is usually watching shitty mech shows from the 80's. Felix is known for being the single best Dutch member of the jury two years in a row, narrowly beating Doctorwhoops yet again.



Goes by /u/SIRTreehugger on /r/anime, MAL, Animist and etc. Was a juror for this year's comedy and one for antagonist for 2017. A person of few words generally spends his time pointing out the positives of an anime and will agree to disagree with others. Has come to realize his taste his probably shit, but has accepted it. "subtley" references the manga frequently in a passive aggressive manner to imply the source is better quite often. Shills for Oreki x Chitanda in pretty much every Best Ship contest. Says he's interested in rewatches and joins in the first 2 or 3 episodes and pretty much finishes them on his own time. Plays video games when he's not watching anime or drinking tea.



Known as orangeshades on MAL and orange-shades on Reddit, orangeshades was a juror for Thriller/Mystery, Main Dramatic, Supporting Dramatic, Antagonist, and Cast. They're known as a member of the Cult of Antarctica, a fan of the Denver Broncos, and a lover of all things Monogatari.



Known as RentoNine on MAL and reddit, I've been watching anime for like a year with just under 100 things completed, making me the least seasoned out of everyone in the server. Despite not having seen any of the Adventure/Fantasy anime, I somehow finished my writeups on time. Also I rep Girls' Last Tour too much




Known as RHINN0 on reddit and rhinno on anilist, I was the one to make this quiz! A juror for three years straight (this year in comedy, main comedic, ED, short, movie, and AOTY), I'm most known for my love of Kino's Journey, my dedication to crying anime girl PFPs, and my sick counting skills. I love just about everything comedy, with my most hyped show of the year being hitoribocchi.


Juror Personality Quiz

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