Which Jade War character are you ?
Which Jade War character are you ?

What would your friends describe you as ?
Which of the following would you want to be most like ?
If you are in a stressful and/or risky situation, what will you do ?
Your friend betrays you. What will you do ?
Would you cross your self established moral line ?
When faced with a fight, what would you do ?
Who/where do you go for advice in times of need ?
When do you feel happiest ?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you for Jade War ?
Kaul Hiloshudon
Kaul Hiloshudon
Hardworking, impulsive and Pillar of the No Peak Clan, Hilo is a leader in every sense. Fiercely protective and loyal to his family and friends,he is just as dangerous for his enemies. Hilo would be a great friend and a loyal family member and would always look out for you.
Kaul Shaelinsan
Kaul Shaelinsan
Shae is smart, loyal and the Weather Man of the No Peak clan. Conversing with politicians and businessmen and getting stuff done is what Shae does. Fighting is not her first resort but she will not back down from one when needed. Shae is the badass female leader of the clan.
Kaul Maik Wen
Kaul Maik Wen
Wen is the wife of the Pillar and a support for the family. She is fierce, protective and knows when to take risks for the sake of the clan. One of the strongest and smartest, Wen not only keeps the family together but also proves to be an useful asset.
Kaul Anden
Kaul Anden
Anden is the adopted brother of the Kaul's and the best student of the Academy. Trying to remain loyal to the clan and at the same time finding himself, Anden is the kindest and sweetest character. He cares and protects fiercely and supports his family unconditionally.
Ayt Mada
Ayt Mada
The cunning and manipulative enemy of the Kaul's and the pillar of the Mountain clan, Ayt is formidable and out for blood. Ayt is a person who will stop at nothing to get what she wants and will not care who she sacrifices along the way.For her, true victory is when she stands alone and rules all.
Which Jade War character are you ?