6 Locksmith Actions To Lower Your Insurance Rate
6 Locksmith Actions To Lower Your Insurance Rate
Are you planning to get insurance cover for your home? Well, you have to do everything possible to lower your insurance premium.
Are you planning to get insurance cover for your home? Well, you have to do everything possible to lower your insurance premium.

Are you planning to get insurance cover for your home? Well, you have to do everything possible to lower your insurance premium. The best thing to do is to call a locksmith for a security audit and appropriate steps that will enhance your home security. This might require things like checking your door locks to make break-in harder or rekeying your locks before moving it. The security audit by the locksmith discovers weak points to be worked on leading to a lower insurance rate. Here’s what the locksmith can do.
Installing stronger door locks
The locksmith checks door locks, hinges, and frames for repairs and necessary replacement. Installing deadbolt locks on all your exterior doors secures all entryways. This will make the insurance provider discount your premium. A professional locksmith is a best-suited person to handle installation of deadbolt locks. The process will be without chances of fitting errors or malfunctioning.
Perhaps you have old deadbolts. Ensure to replace them with modern ones before the insurance agent comes to quote your premium. A good idea is to check the insurance company for preferred locks before the installation. Perhaps they have recommendations such as a 1-inch bolt minimum for the door jam and strike plates secured with about 3-inch long screws. You’ll be in a better position to install deadbolts that match the insurer’s recommendations to lower your premium.
Residential alarm systems
Another way a locksmith in Tulsa can lower your insurance premium is by installing a residential alarm system. With this, your home security is boosted through scaring off potential intruders. Luckily, the insurance company will give you a lower quote for the premium knowing that your home security is nothing to worry about. Locksmiths have the experience and expertise to tell the security systems insurance companies prefer. Installing those will significantly make the insurer to lower their quote.
Door peepholes and doorbells
These are wonderful security features on a home. Peepholes identify whoever is at the door before opening. This eliminates the chances of putting yourself and your family at risk of attackers. Your locksmith can recommend the right peephole and intercom system for your apartment complex. Apart from making the insurer lower your premium, the peepholes and doorbells give tenants peace of mind.
Strengthening your garage door
Most home break-ins happen through the garage door when not through the front door or window. Some homeowners neglect the security of their garage. Before the insurance agent comes, ensure to call a locksmith to enhance the security of your garage door. This might require the installation of smart surveillance cameras with push notifications whenever someone attempts to break into your garage.
Additionally, the locksmith can install electronic locks on the garage door to make break-in attempts harder. The insurer is likely to give you a nice discount for the garage door fortification.
Security lights
A well-lit property is less attractive to opportunist burglars. Thieves are easily discouraged to strike homes where they are likely to get noticed executing their plans. Installing security lights in your yard eliminates dark spaces there thieves might hide before attacking your home. Additionally, the security lights can have motion sensors that go on someone attempts to sneak on to your premises.
A professional locksmith can determine the need for security light during the security audit. Recommendations such as lights with sensors can limit burglar attacks. With less chances of your home getting robbed, the insurance company is likely to offer a lower premium. However, it pays to confirm that the insurer offers a discount for security systems with sensor lights.
Security bars on windows
With security bars in the windows, the insurer is likely to lower your premium. Additionally, these features make your home less appealing to potential burglars. The bars and grills indicate that your property is well protected. With these in place, burglars are more likely to choose different targets with less security features in place.
Wrapping up
Home insurance is a necessary evil. It offers a shoulder to lean on in case bad situations like a fire or break-in happen. However, most homeowners are worried about the premium. Luckily, a professional locksmith can make necessary steps like those included above to lower your premium. This will give you an opportunity to insure your home at a discounted premium.