Your Elemental Superpower
Your Elemental Superpower
Learn which of the 5 Phases of Chi is your personal superpower.
Learn which of the 5 Phases of Chi is your personal superpower.

What animal's personality do you most identify with?
Which virtue do you value most?
Your ideal evening involves:
People value you most for being...
When you are driving people around you crazy, it is probably because you are...
The quality that drives you the craziest in others is...
Which of the following careers would you choose in the Middle Ages if they all paid the same?
Which high-profile career would you choose if you had the talent and ability today?
Your dominant elemental phase is METAL
Your dominant elemental phase is METAL
The elemental representation "METAL" is a metaphor for the process of energy condensing, reorganizing, forming structure, and eliminating what is impure or excessive.
This pattern of energy can be seen in nature as the formation of crystals within the earth, or the fusion of gases in stars into iron.
The METAL process can be seen seasonally during the Autumn, in temperate climates, when nature condenses back inwards and downwards to prepare for winter.
METAL is the energy of organization, elimination, precision, and protection. In terms of bioenergy, Metal Chi is cool and dry, and resides mainly within the Lungs. People with strong METAL personalities tend to be disciplined, well organized, minimalistic, and have clear boundaries.
When out of balance, METAL types can be cold, insensitive, and perfectionistic. They may need more FIRE to melt their rigid boundaries and help them connect to others.
Your dominant elemental phase is WATER
Your dominant elemental phase is WATER
The elemental representation "WATER" is a metaphor for the process of energy flowing, yielding, storing, harnessing extrinsic forces, and returning to it's source.
This pattern of energy can be seen in nature as the whole mass of the ocean being moved by the moon's gravity, the relentless travel of water back to the ocean after falling as rain on land, or the storing of nutrients and information within water's medium.
The WATER process can be seen seasonally during the winter, in temperate climates, when nature returns to the original dormancy of a time before life arose.
In terms of bioenergy, WATER chi is cool and moist, and resides mainly within the kidneys and adrenal glands. People with strong WATER personalities tend to be philosophical, intelligent, and introverted.
When out of balance, WATER types tend to isolate themselves, or get too caught up in theorizing about life rather than taking action. They may need more FIRE or EARTH to get them out connecting to others.
Your dominant elemental phase is WOOD
Your dominant elemental phase is WOOD
The elemental representation "WOOD" is a metaphor for the process of energy expanding, pushing past obstacles, and moving towards a destination.
This pattern of energy can be seen in nature as the sprout which pushes up through the crack in the rock, or the trees that stretch and reach past one another to claim their place in the light.
The WOOD process can be seen seasonally during the spring, when plants and animals thrust themselves back into the world and competition for resources is fierce.
In terms of bioenergy, WOOD chi is warm and moist, and resides mainly within the liver and gall bladder. People with strong WOOD personalities tend to be ambitious, competitive, and good decision makers, and value integrity and resiliency of character.
When out of balance, WOOD types tend towards over-working, stress, anger, and jealousy. They often need encouragement to take time to relax and enjoy the journey.
Your dominant elemental phase is FIRE
Your dominant elemental phase is FIRE
The elemental representation "FIRE" is a metaphor for the process of energy radiating and transforming.
This pattern of energy can be seen in nature as the tropical heat in which life flourishes year round, or the kiln in which elements are melted and transformed.
The FIRE process can be seen seasonally during the summer, when life is at it's peak of activity, maturity, abundance, and expression.
In terms of bioenergy, FIRE chi is hot and dry, and resides mainly within the heart and small intestine. People with strong FIRE personalities tend to be playful, creative, outgoing, sensual, and active.
When out of balance, FIRE types tend towards anxiety, impatience, burn-out, and hedonism. They may need to adopt greater self discipline, create healthy structures and boundaries in their lives, and spend more time in quiet solitude rather than draining their energy with excessive talking and socializing.
Your dominant elemental phase is EARTH
Your dominant elemental phase is EARTH
The elemental representation "EARTH" is a metaphor for the process of energy stabilizing, balancing, and establishing rhythm.
This pattern of energy can be seen in nature as the chaos of the big bang settling itself into planets and stars moving in rhythm and harmony, or the consistent and predictable forces of gravity experienced on the surface of planets and moons. EARTH is the unchanging element that remains consistent as other forces shift and change around it.
In terms of bioenergy, EARTH chi resides mainly within the spleen and stomach. People with strong EARTH personalities tend to be supportive, nurturing, stable, reasonable, and dependable.
When out of balance, EARTH types tend towards turbidity, indecisiveness, and giving too much of their energy to others. They may need to remember that they deserve support and fulfillment as much as the people they so often give it to.
Elemental Personality Type