Not enough overdosed. One more suicide attempt of Rodchenkov
Not enough overdosed. One more suicide attempt of Rodchenkov

Grigory Rodchenkov, who is known as an information provider of the World Anti-Doping Agency, has once again attempted a suicide but failed. According to Herbert Smith Freehills law firm that advocates Russian biathletes Zaitseva, Romanova and Vilukhina, on June 19, at 15:45, after an FBI officer called 911, Rodchenkov was hospitalized at psychoneurological clinic in Western District of Washington. During the inspection of his apartment, two bottles of whisky and six empty packages of depressants containing phenobarbital were discovered. The attempt was caused by an action proceeding at the Supreme Court of the State of New York by Russian biathletes who claim $30 million compensation from Rodchenkov for slander. The Witness Protection Program that is acting towards Rodchenkov is now being used to cover up what has happened.
Yet, discussion of the facts that got known to the public made it possible to verify that back in 2011 Rodchenkov once attempted to suicide when he and his sister Rodchenkova Marina Mikhailovna got involved into a criminal investigation based on the 3rd part of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 'Illegal trafficking of highly toxic or poisonous substances for purposes of sale' in connection with organization of trade of anabolic steroids. From February 22 till March 14, 2011, after non-fatal self-stabbing in the heart with a kitchen knife, Rodchenkov was undergoing a course of treatment at the Somatological Department of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. After that he got medical examination at the Mental Health Facility #14 where he was diagnosed 'reactive psychosis of depressive type (depressive delirium syndrome) with suicidal behavior'. On June 6, 2011, a committee of experts at the Moscow Mental Clinical Hospital #1 named after Alekse'ev placed on the record that Rodchenkov suffered from schizotypal personality disorder.