Know About Root Canal and How Timely RCT Can Save Your Natural Tooth at Dentist Epping Clinic
Know About Root Canal and How Timely RCT Can Save Your Natural Tooth at Dentist Epping Clinic

Know About Root Canal and How Timely RCT Can Save Your Natural Tooth at Dentist Epping Clinic
If there is one procedure that saves your natural tooth and helps you enjoy their use for a long time, it is a root canal. It is not something to be dreaded. Know more about it to clear away confusions and apprehensions. Next time you have pain in your teeth then do not wait for the tooth to decay to an extent that it needs to be extracted. Instead, visit your dentist Epping based and get a diagnosis followed by RCT if it is indicated.
Why Root Canal
The tooth has a hard outer shell and inside you will find channels that descend to the root. These channels have blood vessels and nerves. This way the channel is known as a root canal. The hard outer shell may develop a crack or otherwise have an ingress that permits bacteria to invade the channels or tubules and cause infection. This causes the pulp material to die and the infection creates pressure which causes pain. When you bite or chew or drink or eat anything hot or cold you find the pain to be unbearable. This is a pointer to the need for a root canal at the dentist Epping clinic.
Ignore it and an abscess is what happens next. Then there will be bone loss and pain increases all the time. Your tooth needs extraction. An infection could spread to your heart if timely action is not taken. Once your tooth is extracted the vacant space will need to be filled with an implant or a bridge – both costly procedures. Root canal costs less and saves your natural tooth almost for life.
Simple procedure – do not become apprehensive
After the usual X-ray and other diagnostic procedures, your dentist will first anesthetize the area by injecting a local anesthetic to deaden pain and sensation. The endodontist at Epping clinic then uses a fine drill to drill into the tooth up to the pulp area. The hole is widened to allow the use of a cleaning file in different sizes. Water jet mixed with sodium hypochlorite, a disinfectant, is injected under pressure into the cavity to clean the pulp area. These days endodontists use lasers to kill bacteria and clean out the cavity as well as to promote regeneration and healing. This done some filler material goes into the cavity to seal it temporarily. A cast of the teeth may be taken to help in the preparation of the crown. After a couple of days, you visit your dentist once again. By this time the crown is ready. Metal crowns and porcelain crowns are widely used. Porcelain is better since it looks and feels more natural. During your next visit, the filler plug is removed, material filled in and cement applied after which the crown is put in place and cured with UV rays.
Post RCT
There may be slight swelling and a feeling of discomfort that eventually subsides. You may be prescribed anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibiotic tablets. Your life returns to normal. Your natural tooth is saved and you are saved the additional expense of an implant or bridge. Timely RCT at the dentist Epping clinic can help save a tooth.