What's Your Competitive Role As A Call of Duty Pro? (QUIZ)

Every Call of Duty Pro has a role that he or she plays while on a team. You are the Slayer, Anchor, SMG Player, or AR Player. Take your time and lets see which type of player you are in the competitive environment

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Created by ItsAllViral (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 14, 2015

Are You A Scuf Master?

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Are You A Strong Player That Is A One Man Army?

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Search and Destroy, Capture The Flag, or Momentum?

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You are the Slayer, The master of your enemy's and the person we all want on our team. You know everything about every map and understand all call outs. Keep doing you and keep Slaying.

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Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle master mind. You are great kind of long ranges and close range engagement and a all around force to be dealt with.

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Sub Machine Gun

Sub Machine Gun

Being a SMG king you are someone I'd never want to encounter while on a hardpoint or in any close quarter engagement.

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Support is your play style. You are the one who holds the team together while and holds the best spawns. Your team looks to you to be on point and know where you need to be to help the team win.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021